

2016-07-26    34'44''

主播: 单词极客5184词

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B19段单词 boy [bɔɪ] n. 男孩 boyhood [&`&bɔɪhʊd] n. 少年时代 boycott [&`&bɔɪkɑt] v. 联合抵制   box [bɑks] n. 箱子 boxer [&`&bɑksɚ] n. 拳击手 boxing [&`&bɑksɪŋ] n. 拳击   bowl [bol] n. 碗 bowling [&`&bolɪŋ] n.保龄球 brew [brʊ] v. 酿造   联想记忆 从上一回的肠(bowel)想到饥肠辘辘的男孩(   )在少年时代(   )都血气方刚,联合抵制(   ),喜欢站在箱子(   )上玩,当拳击手(   )练习拳击(   )打破了很多碗(   ),还一起去打保龄球(   ),并喝着当地酿造(   )的酒   1.boy [bɔɪ] n 男孩 ;年轻男子(a male child) Boy band 男孩团体 Old boy老男孩   girl a female child   male&female雄性,男人& 雌性,女人   2.boyhood n.少年时代 Hood [hʊd] 后缀–hood表示身份, 资格, 时间, 集体, 状态, 如: brotherhood兄弟般的关系,  neighborhood邻里, childhood童年时代, boyhood少年时(boyhood memories 少年时的记忆) My cousin broke up the brotherhood with his younger brother.我的表哥跟他的弟弟断绝了兄弟情义 I was fat in my childhood.     3.boycott v.联合抵制 Boycott Japanese goods /movement of boycotting Japanese We should boycott goods from companies that use children labor.我们应该抵制来自使用童工的公司产品。 Synonym:reject resist refuse   4.box n.箱子 ;耳光   Box office 售票处,票房 The movie was one of the box office failures last year.这部电影是去年失败电影之一 She got a box on the cheek for telling a lie.她因为说谎而挨了一记耳光 dialog box [计]对话框,对话窗口 5.boxer n.拳击手(fighter) Boxer box+er   er后缀结尾,表示人的单词:teacher farmer driver dancer 6.boxing n.拳击(fighting with the fists) box+ing Ing 可以作为形容词,名词后缀 名词后缀 feeling n. 感情;感觉       meaning n. 意思,含意 meeting n. 会;集会  7.bowl n.碗(container) bow(鞠躬)+l =bowl 洗碗要躬着身体 A bowl of tomato soup Super Bowl 超级杯 8.bowling n.保龄球 Bowling is my favorite sports 保龄球是我最喜欢的运动 go bowling 打保龄球 Let’s go bowling tonight.   9.brew v.酿造 ;即将来临 I brewed my own beer.我自己酿啤酒 A storm was brewing.暴风雨即将来临。 还可以表示:泡(茶),调制(饮料) I want to brew up a cup of tea(make a cup of tea) The tea is brewing and will be served soon. 茶正在泡,一会儿就送来。