boy [bɔɪ] n 男孩
boyhood [&`&bɔɪhʊd] n 少年时代
boycott [&`&bɔɪkɑt] v 联合抵制
box [bɑks] n 箱子
boxer [&`&bɑksɚ] n 拳击手
boxing [&`&bɑksɪŋ] n 拳击
bowl [bol] n 碗
bowling [&`&bolɪŋ] n保龄球
brew [brʊ] v 酿造
从上一回的肠(bowel)想到饥肠辘辘的男孩( )在少年时代( )都血气方刚,联合抵制( ),喜欢站在箱子( )上玩,当拳击手( )练习拳击( )打破了很多碗( ),还一起去打保龄球( ),并喝着当地酿造( )的酒
1.boy n (a male child)年轻男孩
2.boyhood n 少年时代 (=the childhood of a boy)
-hood 名词后缀 childhood/ neighborhood/adulthood/fatherhood
3.boycott v 联合抵制 refuse to buy as a protest
Eg:我们应该抵制来自使用童工的公司产品 we should boycott goods from companies that use
child labor
4.box n 箱子,(=a case for holding something),耳光 vi拳击
票房 box office 售票处
Eg:这不电影是去年失败的票房电影之一 The movie was one of the box office failures last year
Eg:他因为说谎而挨了一耳光 She got a box on the cheek for telling a lie.
5.boxer n 拳击手
Eg:约翰想当一位职业拳击手 John wants to be a professional/occupational boxer.
6.boxing n 拳击 (=fight with the fists)
7.bowl n 碗 (container)
8.bowling n 保龄球(=a game played by rolling a ball)go bowling
Eg:保龄球是我最喜欢的运动 Bowling is my favorite sport.
9.brew v 酝酿,即将来临 brew up 酿造,沏茶
Eg:我自己酿啤酒 I brew my own beer.
Eg:暴风雨即将来临 A storm is brewing.