

2016-12-15    28'41''

主播: 单词极客5184词

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《单词极客》共5184词,A7段任务: act [ækt] n. 行为 action [`ækʃən] n. 行动 active [`æktɪv] adj. 活跃的 actor [`æktɚ] n. 演员 actress [`æktrɪs] n. 女演员 actual [`æktʃʊəl] adj. 实际的 activist [`æktɪvɪst] n. 激进主义分子 activity [æk'tɪvɪtɪ] n. 活动 acute [ə'kjuːt] adj. 急性的 从上一回的承认(),想到有人勇于承认自己的所作所为。任何的行为()和行动()都是很活跃的(),适合当演员()或女演员(),甚至在实际的()生活中,是个激进主义分子(),参与各种活动(),容易得急性的()胃炎。 Acknowledgement, act,action,active,actor,actress,actual,activist,activity,acute act n. 行为. V.做事;演戏 act as 担任(=serve as) She can act as our guide. 她可以担任我们的导游。 天灾 An act of God is a natural event 法案 the Civil Rights Act of 1964 1964年的民权法案 Reform Act改革法 动词 Think twice before you act. 三思而后行 Act now 起锚 (口号) ; 迅时行动 ; 起锚 action n. 行动 We carefully watched every detail of his action. 我们仔细观察了他动作的每个细节。 Take actions to do 采取行动做某事 actions speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩 Lights, camera, action! 灯光,摄影,开拍。 Put sth into action 把..付诸实践 They had already put the plan into action. (=started using the plan) active [`æktɪv] adj. 活跃的 n. 主动语态;积极分子 She has taken an active part in all past contests. 她积极参加历次比赛。 active in积极于 The context menu option you need is only active in this mode. 您需要的上下文菜单只有在此模式下才是活动的。 4.actor 演员 5.actress 女演员 god 神——goddess 女神 prince 王子——princess 公主 waiter 饭店服务员——waitress 饭店女服务员 actual adj. 实际的 We can mock up a model of the actual stage for the company to practise on. 我们可以先搭一个真实舞台的大样模型,好让剧团在上面排练。 强调:This is the actual [=very] room in which my grandfather was born. activist n. 积极分子,激进主义分子 I am an information activist. 我是信息活动分子。 activist investors 投资者 political activists 政治活动家 activity n. 活动 Come with us, maybe you can serve me in this activity. 来吧,也许在这次行动中你会给我帮上忙。 business activities political activities social activities acute [ə'kjuːt] adj. 急性的 A bad tooth can cause acute pain. 一颗蛀牙可以引起激烈的疼痛。 acute pain/infection 急性疼痛/急性感染 acute symptoms急性症状 an acute disease 急性病