

2016-04-18    14'48''

主播: 以沫 132

3966 364

没有 It wasn't... 激情 Passionate. 对 No. 没有一点激情 No,it wasn't passionate. 你还好吗 Hey,um,are you ok? 你的眼睛 刚才 Your eye,it just,it's-- 不 没事 Yeah,no. It's,um,it's nothing. 你渴了吗 Um,are you thirsty? 我去拿点喝的 I'm gonna get us a drink. 杰里米 Jeremy? 是你吗 Is that you? 杰里米 Jeremy? 在找谁吗 Looking for someone? 当你跟我分手的时候 When you broke up with me, 你说是因为你想独自一人过一段时间 You said it was because you needed some time alone. 你看上去并不是孤身一人 You don't look so alone to me. 马特 你不明白的 这 Matt, you don't understand. It's-- 没关系 埃琳娜 That's ok, Elena. 你做任何你想做的 You do what you have to do. 我只想让你知道 I just want to let you know that... 我依旧相信我们会相爱的 I still believe in us. 我不会放弃的 And I'm not giving up on that. 马特 Matt. 你在这里啊 Hey! There you are. 你去看过瀑布了吗 Have you been down to the falls yet? 那里的夜晚非常漂亮 Because they are really cool at night. 如果你愿意 And I can show you. 我可以带你去 If you want. 我觉得你喝多了 I think you've had too much to drink. 那是当然的 Well, of course I have. 所以 卡罗琳 So-- Caroline. 你和我 You and me, 是不可能的 It's not gonna happen. 对不起 Sorry. 我还在想是谁绑架你了 I was wondering who abducted you, 现在我知道了 But now I know. 他对所有男生都这样吗 Is she like that with,uh,all the guys? 当然不是 No. 你是新的猎物 You're fresh meat. 她最终会甩了你的 She'll back off eventually. 天呐 开玩笑的吧 God, you gotta be kidding me! 怎么了 What is it? -我弟弟 -喝醉的那个吗 - My brother. - The drunk one? 就是那个 That would be the one. 12/17页 -失陪一下 -需要帮忙吗 - Excuse me. - Need some help? 相信我 你不会想看这个的 Trust me,you're not going to want to witness this. 杰里米 Jeremy! 杰里米 Jeremy! 杰里米 你要去哪儿 Jeremy, where the hell are you going? 我不想听 I don't want to hear it! 薇姬 不 Vicki? No! 天呐 是薇姬 上帝啊 Oh, my god, it's Vicki! Oh,my god! 不 No! 谁来帮一下 Somebody help! 薇姬吗 薇姬 这怎么回事 Vicki? Vicki,what the hell?! 她怎么了 What happened to her? 谁能叫下救护车 Somebody,call an ambulance! 所有人后退 给她点空间 Everybody back up,give her some space! 看她脖子 什么东西咬了她 It's her neck. Something bit her. 她正大量失血 She's losing a lot of blood. 把这个盖在她脖子上 Put this on her neck. 薇姬 振作 睁开眼睛看着我 Vicki, Vicki, come on, open your eyes, look at me. 发生什么了 What's going on? 有人今晚被袭击了 扎克 Someone else was attacked tonight, Zach, 但不是我干的 And it wasn't me. 达蒙 Damon. 你好 弟弟 Hello, brother. 周围人有点多 你不觉得吗 Crow's a bit much,don't you think? 看我能用迷雾做什么的时候就明白了 Wait till you see what I can do with the fog. 你什么时候到的 When'd you get here? 我怎么能错过你在学校的第一天呢 Well, I couldn't miss your first day at school. 你发型变了 Your hair's different. 我喜欢 I like it. 已经15年了 达蒙 It's been 15 years, Damon. 感谢上帝 Thank god. 我可不能再忍受九十年代了 I couldn't take another day of the Nineties. 那个可怕的蹩脚形象 That horrible grunge look? 一点都不适合你 Did not suit you. 记住 斯特凡 远离时尚很重要 Remember, Stefan, it's important to stay away from fads. 为什么你会在这儿 Why are you here? 我想念我亲爱的弟弟了 I miss my little brother. 你讨厌小镇的 You hate small towns. 枯燥乏味 无事可做 It's boring. There's nothing for you to do. 我想办法让自己忙碌起来了 I've managed to keep myself busy. 你知道的 你让那女孩今晚幸免于难了 You know, you left that girl alive tonight. 你真是笨手笨脚的 That's very clumsy of you. 对你来说 这会是个大问题 That can be a problem...for you. 13/17页 你现在来这做什么 Why are you here now? 我也可以问你相同的问题 I could ask you the same question. 然而 我想当确定 However, I'm fairly certain 你的回答能总结为 Your answer can be summed up all into 一个词 One little word... 埃琳娜 Elena. 我们现在去主流咖啡厅等消息 We're gonna go Mainline Coffee, wait for news. 我要带杰里米回家 I gotta take Jeremy home. 埃琳娜 我不可能有超能力的 Elena, there's no way I'm psychic. 我确定 I know that. 但不论如何我所看到的 But whatever I saw, 或者我以为我看到的 Or I think I saw, 我有预感 I have this feeling... 邦妮 是什么 Bonnie, what? 这只是开始 That it's just the beginning. 她把我的魂都吸引住了 She took my breath away. 埃琳娜 Elena. 她和凯瑟琳长得一模一样 She's a dead ringer for Katherine. 这样做很有意思吗 斯特凡 Is it working,Stefan? 在她身旁 进入她的世界 Being around her,being in her world? 让你觉得自己还活着是么 Does it make you feel alive? 她不是凯瑟琳 She's not Katherine. 好吧 但愿不是 Well,let's hope not. 我们都记得结局是怎样的 We both know how that ended. 告诉我 你最后一次吃 Tell me something,when's the last time 比松鼠大的东西是什么时候 You had something stronger than a squirrel? 我明白你的用意 达蒙 没用的 I know what you're doing,Damon. It's not gonna work. 是吗 得了 你一点也不渴望么 Yeah? Come on. Don't you crave a little? 算了吧 来吧 我们一起做 Stop it. Let's do it. Together. 我看外面有不少姑娘 I saw a couple girls out there. 或者 我们直截了当 Or just,let's just cut to the chase, 去找埃琳娜 Let's just go straight for Elena! 够了 Stop it! 想象一下她的血尝起来什么味道 Imagine what her blood tastes like! 我能想象到有多鲜美 I can. 我说够了 I said stop! 真令我印象深刻 I was impressed. 我给你打个6分 I give it a six. 姿势不好看 但还是给了我很大的惊喜 Missing style,but i was pleasantly surprised. 你的表情太棒了 Very good with the whole face-- 真不错 Thing.It was good. 对你来说这些都是娱乐 达蒙 是吧 You know,it's all fun and games,Damon,huh? 你去过的地方 就有人死去 But wherever you go,people die. -这是宿命安排 -不要在这 - That's a given. - Not here. 14/17页 我不允许 I won't allow it. 我想你这是在邀请我 I take that as an invitation. 达蒙 求你了 Damon,please. 过了这么多年 难道不能收手吗 After all these years,can't we just give it a rest? 我答应过让你永远痛苦 I promised you an eternity of misery, 所以我只是信守诺言而已 So I'm just keeping my word. 离埃琳娜远一点 Just stay away from Elena. 你的戒指哪里去了 Where's your ring? 几个小时后就要出太阳了 Oh,yeah,sun's coming up in a couple of hours, 看来你要灰飞烟灭了 And,poof,ashes to ashes. 放松 Relax. 它在这里 It's right here. 在你觉得自己比我强之前应该考虑清楚 You should know better than to think you're stronger than me. 当你决定不再袭击人类时 You lost that fight when you stopped 你已经输了 Feeding on people. 我绝不会再试第二次 I wouldn't try it again. 我想我们把扎克吵醒了 I think we woke Zach up. hmm. 抱歉 扎克 Sorry,Zach. 你还好吧 You ok? 我打给珍娜了 她在来这里的路上 I called Jenna,she's on her way. 那些穿制服的人 Those people in uniforms, 上次我发现他们是警察 Last time I checked,they're the police. 人们总是针锋相对 杰里米 People are going to stop giving you breaks,Jer. 他们不再彼此相互关心 They just don't care anymore. 他们不关心我们的父母是否死了 They don't remember that our parents are dead, 因为他们要过自己的日子 Because they've got their own lives to deal with. 我们得抛下这些 往前看 The rest of the world has moved on. 你得努力改变 You should try,too. 我看见你在墓地写日记了 I've seen you in the cemetery writing in your diary. 这就是你说的往前看吗 Is that--is that supposed to be you moving on? 爸妈不会想看到我们这样的 Mom and dad wouldn't have wanted this. 你冷静下来了么 Are you sober yet? 没有 No. 再喝点 我送你回家 Keep drinking. I gotta get you home. 我再送我自己回家 I gotta get me home. 为什么他不喜欢我 Why didn't he go for me? 怎么会这样 You know,how come 我喜欢的男孩都不喜欢我 The guys that I want never want me? 我没觉得 I'm not touching that. 我是个不合时宜的人 I'm inappropriate. 我总是说错话 I always say the wrong thing. 还有 And... 埃琳娜总是对的 Elena always says the right thing. 她甚至都不用去努力 She doesn't even try! 他就选了她 And he just picks her. 她总是人见人爱 And she's always the one that everyone picks, 事事如此 For everything. 而我这么努力 And i try so hard, 却... And... 永远都不是我 I'm never the one. 这不是一个比赛 卡罗琳 It's not a competition,Caroline. 就是 Yeah,it is. 薇姬 Vicki... 没事了 Hey. 没事了 Hey,it's ok. 你会好起来的 You're gonna be ok. 马特 Matt-- shh. 别说话 好吗 Hey,don't try to talk,ok? 你很好 You're fine. 吸血鬼 Vampire. 亲爱的日记本 Dear diary, 我真是大错特错了 I couldn't have been more wrong. 我曾经想我能微笑走下去 I thought that i could smile,nod my way through it; 装做我没事的样子 Pretend like it would all be ok. 我曾经打算 I had a plan. 改变我自己 I wanted to change who i was; 获得新生 Create a life as someone new, 变成一个没有过去的人 Someone without the past. 没有痛苦 Without the pain. 真正活着的人 Someone alive. 但这并不容易 But it's not that easy. 坏事纠缠着你 The bad things stay with you. 追随着你 They follow you. 你摆脱不了它们 You can't escape them, 无论你多想摆脱 As much as you want to. 你唯一能做的就是等待好事降临 All you can do is be ready for the good. 当它们降临 So when it comes, 你邀请它们进来 因为你需要它们 You invite it in,because you need it. 我需要它 I need it. 我知道有点晚了 I know it's late. 但是 But,uh... 我想知道你没事了 I needed to know that you were ok. 要知道 几个月以来 You know,for months, 这是每个人想知道的 That's all anyone's wondered about me. 我是不是没事了 If i'll be ok. 你怎么告诉他们 What do you tell them? 我会没事的 That i'll be fine. 16/17页 你真的没事吗 Do you ever mean it? 明天再问我吧 Ask me tomorrow. 屋子里更暖和一些 我们可以聊聊天 It's warmer in the house. We can talk. 你想进来吗 Would you like to come in? 好的 Yes.