

2016-05-10    15'35''

主播: 以沫 132

3237 142

吸血鬼日记 前情提要... previously on the vampire diaries... 一个多世纪以来 我都秘密地生活 直到现在 for over a century,i have lived in secret,until now. 我知道风险很大 我必须认识她 i know the risk, but i have to know her. Elena 她和Katherine长得一模一样 elena, she's a dead ringer for katherine. 那是"Damon Salvatore"吗? is that "damon salvatore"? 还有"Stefan Salvatore" and that's "stefan salvatore." 老一辈的Salvatore兄弟 the original salvatore brothers. 年 你和Katherine真是天生一对 ,you and katherine were the perfect couple. 你拿到Gilbert的表了么? ert watch? 我能弄到手 i can get it. 嘿 伙计 你还好吧? hey,man. you ok? 过来 come here. 哦哦 我扶着你了 whoa. whoa. i got you. 我认识你 i know you. 我想你认错人了 i think you have the wrong person. 你一点也没老 you ven't aged a day. 有些事你不知道 there are things that you don't know, 我想告诉你的 但是我不能 things that i want to tell you,but i can't. 你确定你以前认识的那个人叫 Stefan Salvatore吗? are you sure that the man you knew, his name was stefan salvatore? - 是的 - 那是什么时候? - yes. - when was this? 年 . 亲爱的日记 我不是个信徒 dear diary, i'm not a believer. 人总会经历生老病死 people are born. they grow old.then they die. 这才是我们真实的世界 that's the world we live in. 但我怎能否认发生在我身边的一切呢? but how can i deny what's right in front of me? 一个永远不会老去的人 someone who never grows old, 从不会受伤 never gets hurt. 一个会莫名变像的人... someone who changes in ways that can't be explained. 被咬伤的女孩 girls bitten. 被吸血的尸体 somebody hel bodies drained of blood. 吸血鬼日记 第一季 第集 The Vampire Diaries Season Episode 年 弗吉尼亚州 神秘瀑布镇 Mystic Falls, Virginia 您一定就是Pierce小姐了 You must be Miss*** 叫我Katherine吧 please, call me katherine. 你是什么? what are you? 你究竟是什么? what are you? 你知道的 you know. 不 我不知道 no,i don't. 不 你知道 不然你也不会来这了 yes,you do,or you wouldn't be here. 不可能的 it's not possible. 怎么可能呢 it can't be. 你所熟知的一切... everything you know... 你所相信的一切都将改变 and every belief that you have is about to change. 你准备好了吗? are you ready for that? 你是什么? what are you? 我是吸血鬼 i'm a vampire. 我不该来的 i shouldn't have come. 不 别走 no. please - 不要 - 求你了 - no.no. - please 你怎么做到的? how did you do that? 请你别怕我 please don't be afraid of me. 让我走 let me go. 不 Elena 有些事你必须了解 no.elena,there's things that you have to know and understand. - 让我走! - Elena 别走 - let me go! - elena,please. Elena elena. 我永远都不会伤害你的 i would never hurt you. 你和我在一起很安全 you're safe with me. 那些野兽的袭击 死的人都是 all those animal attacks,those people who died 不是我 那是Damon干的 no. that was damon. - Damon? - 是的 - damon? - yes. 我不以吸人鲜血赖以生存 但Damon却是 i don't drink human blood.that's not how i choose to svive,but damon does. 我会和你解释一切 可是求求你 Elena i'll explain everything to you, but i beg you,elena, - 别告诉任何人 - 你怎么能说这种话? - do not tell anybody. - how can you ask me that? 因为你知道这些是非常危险的 because you knowing this dangerous for so many reasons. 你可以恨我 you can hate me, 但我要你相信我 but i need you to trust me. 你走吧 just go. 走吧 求你了 走啊 just go,please.go. 如果你不想伤害我 就走吧 if you mean me no harm, then just go. 我不想这样的 i never wanted this. 喂 hello. 把戒指还我 i want my ring. 你在哪? where are you? 我在篝火旁 i'm at the sizzler. 吃了点自助餐 i had the buffet. 我戒指呢? where's my ring? 不在我这 你在哪? 干什么了你? i don't have it. where are you? what have you done? 不对 应该是我问你干了什么? no,what have you done? 是你把我锁在地下室里想饿死我 所以不论我干了什么 you're the one that locked me in the basement and starved me,so whatever i've done, 不论我吸干了谁 都算在你头上 兄弟 whoever i've sucked dry is on you,buddy. 你太不小心了 you're being careless. 你以为这镇上的人还能相信多少起 野兽袭击? how many more animal attacks is this town gonna believe,huh? 我知道怎么掩盖罪证 Stefan i know how to cover my tracks,stefan. 我的戒指在哪? where's my ring? 我让Zach藏起来了 i gave it to zach to hide. 也许不该杀了他吧 probably shodn't have killed him. 啊 差点骗到我了 戒指究竟在哪? ah,you almost got me.where is it? 我可以拿回来 但我需要时间 i'll get it back, but i need time. 干嘛 你把它快递到罗马去了? 到底在哪? what,did you fedex it to rome? where is it? 我要我的戒指 Stefan 不然下个遭殃的就是Elena i want my ring,stefan,or my next stop's elena's. 我早就想你死了 i already want you dead. 别让我又多一个理由杀你 don't give me another reason to make it happen. 别让我又多个理由撕烂了你 don't give me another reason to rip you apart.yeah? 是么? 在你拿回戒指之前还是之后动手? is that gonna be before or after you get your ring back? 拿来就是了 just get it. 你还不想死 是不是? you just don't wanna die,do you? 你说你可以解释清楚一切 you said you would explain everything. 所以我叫你来这见我 that's why i asked you to meet me here. 如果谷歌"吸血鬼" 搜到的是个虚构的世界 when you google "vampire," you get a world of fiction. 那现实世界又是如何? what's the reality? 我可以告诉你想知道的任何事 i can tell you whatever you wanna know. - 我知道你能吃大蒜 - 对 - i know you eat garlic. - yes. 阳光貌似也对你没什么伤害 and somehow, sunlight's not an issue. 嗨 这是你们点的饮料 Hi,here's your drinks. 谢谢 thank you. 有戒指可以保护我们 we have rings that protect us. - 十字架呢? - 当装饰的 - cruci fixes? - decorative. - 圣水? - 可以喝 - holy water? - drinkable. - 镜子? - 无稽之谈 - mirrors? - myth. 你说你不用吸血为生 you said you don't kill to survive. 动物的血也可以喝 animals blood keeps me alive, 但就不及Damon强了 他非常强大 but not as strong as damon. it can be very powerful. 那你居然还让他和Caroline在一起? and yet you let him get involved with caroline? 强迫Damon不去做他想做的更危险 相信我 forcing damon not to do something is much more dangerous, believe me. - 可他在伤害她啊 - 他只是吸她的血 - he was hurting her. - he was feeding on her. 他能用某种强制念力 he was able to take away her memories of 抹去她被咬的记忆 being bitten using a form of mind compulsion. 她永远都不会知道自己发生了什么 she never knew what was happening to her. - 如果他想杀了她 早就动手了 - 这样就合情理了吗? - if he wanted to kill her, he would have. - is that supposed to make it ok? 不 不 当然不是 Elena no. no,none of this is ok,elena. 我知道的 i know that. 那除了你和Damon 还有吗? are there any others, aside from you and damon? 这儿没有了 不再有了 not in mystic falls, not anymore. 不再有? not anymore? 有一度这个镇子... there was a time when this town was... 对吸血鬼非常介怀 very much aware of vampires, 结局是两败俱伤 and it didn't end well for anybody. 所以你不能告诉任何人 这很要紧 that's why it's important that you don't tell anyone. 我不能保证 i can't promise that. Elena... 给我一天时间 elena... give me today. 我会回答你提出的所有问题 i will answer any questions that you have, 等我回答完之后 and when it's over, 你可以自己决定怎么做 you can decide for yourself what you wanna do with what you know. 你来选择 it'll be your choice. 从来没闻过这么臭的 never smelled one this bad before. 它想掩盖自己的痕迹 it tried to cover its tracks. 你确定? are you sure? 确定 i'm positive. 烧毁尸体只可能是为了掩盖死因 you only burn a corpse to try to hide cause of death, 加上周围没有子弹壳 and there are no shell casings. 他们是谁知道吗? we know who they are? 医生会查他们的牙科记录 doc'll have to check their dental records. 我该怎么报道呢? what story should i run? 毒品交易日益猖獗 drug deal gone bad. 这没什么写的 it's not too big a stretch. 我拿到Gilbert的表了 i got the gilbert watch. 干得不错 good. 这包是不远处灌木丛里找到的 found this in the brush about yards away. Vicki Donovan vicki donovan. 你知道她? you know her? 我和她妈妈一起上过高中 i went to high school with her mother. 你认为她是死者之一? think she's one of these? 但愿不是 i hope not. Stefan你在哪呢? where are you stefan? 我现在给困在屋子里 觉着越来越无聊 i'm trapped at the house,and i'm getting really bored 没耐性了 不陪你玩了 and really impatient,and i don't do bored and impatient. 快还我戒指 bring me my ring. 该死的 damn it. 别把血弄沙发上了 don't get blood on the couch. 拜托了啦 please. 我让你好受了 是吧? i got you good, didn't i? 今天不拿你寻开心 well,you're not gonna be any fun today. 我以后真要后悔这么做了 i'm so gonna regret this 来吧 吸我的血 okay, okay, drink up. 吸吧 drink it up. 一滴都别漏 don't drip. 不错嘛 好姑娘 there you go. good girl. 行了 that's it. 在这停车 stop here. 我们来这做什么? what are we doing here? 我要给你看样东西 i want to show you something. 在这么荒凉的地方? in the middle of nowhere? 以前不是这样的 this...didn't used to be nowhere. 曾经是我家 used to be my home. 看上去好... it looks so... 古老? old? 本来就很古老 it's because they are. 等等 你有多久...? wait. how long have you... 我从年起 一直岁 i've been years old since . 天啊 oh,my god. 是你说想要了解的 you said you wanted to know. 我丝毫不会隐瞒 i'm not gonna hold anything back. 在这宅子建成的半个世纪前 half century before the boarding house was even built, 这是就是我的家 this was my family's home. 我和Damon... damon and i... 都出生在这里 we were both born here. Salvatore兄弟俩 最好的朋友 the salvatore brothers, best of friends. 你在哪学的这游戏? wait. where did you learn this game? 亚特兰大的那次野营 一个教官从哈佛那儿学的 接球 camp outside atlanta.one of t officers picked it up at harvard. catch. 等一会 等一会 wait a minute. wait a minute. 规则是什么阿? what are the rules? what are the rules? 谁需要规则? who needs rules? 我能加入吗? mind if i join you? 这个嘛 你可能会受伤 uh,well, you could,uh you could get hurt. 我哥哥玩起来可野蛮着呢 my brother likes to play rough. 但我觉得 你比起他来更野 somehow,i think that you play rougher. 还站着干嘛? why are you just standing there? 人家明显想让你去追她嘛 that is a girl who clearly wants to be chased. 你不去 我上咯 if you don't do it, i will. 你从1864年就认识katherine了? you knew katherine in 1864? 可是Damon却说是.. damon made it seem like 他想让你认为.. damon was trying to make you think that. 我仍在为她心伤 i was still hea