

2016-05-11    13'42''

主播: 以沫 132

870 135

我仍在为她心伤 i was still heartbroken. 他看见我和你在一起很幸福 he saw that i was happy with you, 便想拆散咱们 and he wanted to ruin it. 就因为年前 你俩爱上了同一个女人 all because you loved the same woman years ago? 她不是一般的女孩 she wasn't just any girl. 我赢了 要怎么奖励我? i win. what's my prize? 你想要什么奖励 what would you like it to be? 他们推迟了你的行期? they extended your leave? 我可能太纵情玩乐 不想回战场了 i was simply having too much fun to return to battle. 你对联邦政府的承诺 真是鼓舞人心哪 your commitment to the confederacy is inspiring. 不过在我看来这可不赖 well,this works out wonderfully for me. 此话怎解 Katherine小姐 how's that, miss katherine? 现在你们俩都能陪我玩了 now i'll have both of you here to keep me entertained. 首要之事是我需要人 陪我参加创始人宴会 first and foremost,i'll need someone to escort me to the founder's ball. - 乐意奉陪 - 荣幸之至 - with pleasure. - i would be honored. 聪明可爱的Salvatore兄弟都愿为我效劳 the smart and kind salvatore brothers both coming to my rescue. 我该如何选择? how will i ever choose? 她选择了我 she chose me. 我陪她参加了宴会 i escorted her to the ball 在Lockwood Mansion家早先的住所 at the original lockwood mansion. 首届创始人宴会 the first founder's party... 你就是在那签的宾客名册 where you signed the registry. 我并不在意得到了我哥要的东西 i didn't care that i had gotten something that my brother wanted. 我甚至不去想这是否会伤到他 i didn't even care if it hurt him. 我只知道 我要她 i only knew that i wanted her. 所以他很伤心 so he was upset. 那不是Damon的作风 that's the thing about damon. 他不会生气 he doesn't get mad. 只会还施彼身 he just gets even. 噢 天呐 oh,man. 冲个澡实在太爽了 that shower was so great. 你给我喝的是什么 what did you give me? 一些血 你爱喝极了 some blood. you loved it. 是吗 i did? 等等 我不明白 我们怎么来的这 wait. i'm confused.how did we get here? 我在树林里遇见你 we met at the woods. 你喝多了 我攻击了你 you were drunk. i attacked you. 接着我杀光了你的朋友 然后带你来这 then i killed all of your friends and brought you here, 喂了你一些血 你很爱喝 gave you same blood. you loved it. 等太阳下山 让我们来尽情狂欢吧 and now we're gonna party till the sun goes down. 好啊 不过我能再喝点吗 ok.um,but first, can i have another hit? 那滋味太棒了 that blood was so good. 如果我也有的喝 当然 only if i can. Damon能得到他想要的一切 what damon wants, damon usually gets. 可那时我并不知道 不过 i didn't know it at that time,but... 结果那晚 turns out that night... Katherine也和他在一起 katherine was with him,too. 这么说他从你这抢走了她 而不是你抢走了Katherine so he stole her from you, not the other way around? 实际上根本不是我们谁抢谁的问题 turns out she wasn't ours to steal. 我会爱你直到永远 i will love you forever. 返回更多下载收藏分享搜索 你要知道 永远可是一个非常长的期限 forever is a very long time, you know. 永远也不够长 not long enough. 早上好 good morning. 请出去吧 clear the room,please. 你不开心 you're upset. 你的脸 your face, 好像魔鬼 it was like a demon. 可你并不害怕 but you're not afraid. 离我远点 走开 get away from me. get away. 你对我的爱是不会改变的 it doesn't change the way you feel about me. 你永远也不会说出去 you will not tell anyone. 我... i'm*** 我们会照常在一起 we will go on exactly as we have. 是的 yes. 我们一切如旧 we will go on. 你不知道我计划了多美好的未来 Stefan you have no idea of the future i have planned for us,stefan 为你 我 还有Damon you,me,and damon. 无拘无束 no rules. 她可以左右我和Damon的思想 she could control my mind and damon's. 使我们对彼此保密 she compelled each of us to keep the secret from the other. 她要我们仨在一起 永生永世 she wanted all of us to be together forever. 但事情并不是想象的那般 didn't work out that way,but... 我和Damon damon and i, 好像总是无法摆脱彼此 looks like we're stuck with each other... 由不得我们选择 like it or not. 那是Damon的戒指? is that damon's ring? 我从他那拿来的 现在得还给他了 i took it from him, but i have to give it back. 不 别还 Stefan 藏起来 no. don't,stefan. keep it hidden. Elena 如果我不还给他 elena,if i don't give it to him, 他会以伤害我的唯一方法来报复我 he'll retaliate in the only way that he knows he can hurt me. 什么方法? and how is that? 伤害你 by hurting you. 我们在做Lockwood镇长的思想工作 we worked on*** 医生确认尸体身份了吗 doc i.d. the bodies? 镇上的人 都是些嗑药的垃圾 a few townies. no torious druggies. 那我看人们会更容易相信整件事了 i suppose that'll make it easy for people to buy the story. 还有Vicki Donovan? and vicki donovan? 她不在遇难者中 she's not one of the deceased. 那她哪去了 where the hell is she? 我也想知道 i wish i knew. 不好意思 我迟到了 sorry i'm late. 表拿来了? you have the watch? 准备就绪了 it's ready. 返回更多下载收藏分享搜索 - 就这样? - 对 就这样 - that's it? - yes. that's it. 我厌弃Tyler了 太烦他了 i am so over tyler, so over him. 从一开始我就知道 i knew from the beginning 在他眼里我什么都不是 that i was only a piece of ass to him, 可我以为如果多了解我 他会发现我的好 but i thought maybe if he got to know me better, he might see something more. 但并没有 but no. 现在 反而是Jeremy now,jeremy, on the other hand, 他把我看得比什么都重 that's all he's ever seen in me is something more, 我喜欢这感觉 and i like that. Jeremy? jeremy,huh? Elena的弟弟 elena's brother? 对啊 对啊 yeah. yeah. Elena以前和我哥哥是一对儿 他们成天黏在一起 so,elena used to date my brother, and they were always together, 所以Jeremy也跟着一起玩 一直暗恋我 so jeremy would always be hanging around and crushing on me and 嘿 你怎么不找个女朋友? hey,why don't you have a girlfriend? 你看起来那么酷又性感 you're,like, totally cool and so hot. 可不是嘛 i know. 你就不想恋爱吗? don't you wanna be in love? 我恋爱过 i've been in love. 痛苦不堪 却毫无意义 整个被夸大了 it's painful and pointless and overrated. 除了爱情甜蜜的时刻哟 except when it isn't. 别说话了 我们跳舞吧 no more talking.let's dance. 我母亲大部分时间都在 弗吉尼亚海滩 和Pete一块儿 my mom spends most of her time in virginia beach with pete. 他是个开卡车的 he drives trucks. 我对父亲没有印象 i don't remember my dad, 不过据我所知的来看 他也不配我记住 but from what i gather,he's not worth remembering. 你的人生可真悲惨 your life is so pathetic. 是啊 我是说 我是一团糟 yeah. i mean, i'm the screwed-up one. Matt却顺风顺水 天之骄子似的 matt's got it so easy. he's the golden boy. 他马上就要拿到一项橄榄球奖学金 i mean,he's gonna get a football scholarship 然后和Elena结婚 请得起割草园丁 生些孩子 and marry elena and have a lawn mower and some babies, 但是 想想我自己的未来 就只有空白 and when i think of my future, i just come up blank. 你真是一身伤痛哇 you are so damaged. 恩 yep. 你没有一丝自尊了 i mean,you don't have one hint of self-esteem. 是 我没有 nope,none. 我想我知道什么能帮你 i think i know what can help you. 什么呢? so what's that? 死亡 death. 发生了什么? what happened? 我们在跳舞 后来 we were dancing, and then 后来我把你杀了 then i killed you. 什么? what? 你死了 you're dead. 我死了? i'm dead? 是的 噢 我们别小题大做了 yeah,well, let's not make a big deal out of it. 你吸了我的血 我把你杀了 现在你又得吸血了 以完成整个过程 You drank my blood, i killed you,and now you have to feed in order to complete the process. 你醉了吧 you're wasted. 你不会想一个人离开这儿的 you don't wanna be out there all alone. 你会变得十分反常 you're about to get really freaky. 好吧 我真的玩儿得很开心 我就是想回去了 ok,i had a really good time. I just wanna go home. 你会开始对血如饥似渴 直到你吸血之前 you're gonna start craving blood, and until you get it, 你都会感觉不在状态 你得小心点儿 you're gonna feel very out of it. you have to be careful. 拜托 让开 come on,move. 瞧瞧? 你已经开始崩溃了 see? you're already starting to fall apart. 现在我要回家了 and i'm going home now. 好 行 我就是提醒你 ok,fine. i'm just warning you. 事实上 这么着吧 你该走了 actually,you know what?you should go. 其实 要是我是你的话 in fact,if i were you, 我就去一下你男友Jeremy家 i would stop by your boyfriend jeremy's house. 是是 随便怎样吧 再见 yeah,whatever.bye. 带我跟Elena问个好 tell elena i said hi. 要是看到Stefan了 叫他电话我 and if you see stefan, tell him to call me. Moore街入口那儿我让Stanley盯着了 i got stanley on the moore street entrance. 剩下的人会在其它的街口 the rest of us'll cover other access points. 要是那个东西启动了 就打给他或我 call him or call me if that thing goes off. 不要用无线电 只能用手机 don't use the radio. cellphones only. 知道了 got it. 你有八颗子弹 you've got rounds. 记住 木头弹杀不了他的 remember, wood bullets won't kill him, 不过会把他弄伤 够你靠近他然后用木桩插他 but it'll wound him enough for you to get close and stake him. 你确定自己能搞定吗? you sure you can handle this? 当然 of course i can. 你以前插过吸血鬼吗? you ever staked a vampire before? 你呢? have you? 来了! coming! 嗨 hey. 阳光折磨死我了 我的眼睛都快着火了 the sun is killing me. my eyes are on fire. 去哪了啊? where have you been? 没事儿 一切都好着呢 it's good. everything's good. - 发生什么事了? - 我饿了 - did something happen? - i'm hungry. 你有什么东西吃? what do you got to eat? 瘾上来了? Vicki这才到中午 you're high?vicki,it's the middle of the day. 你能不能别说话这么响? could you just not talk so loud? 我头疼 需要安静 my head,it hurts.i need quiet. 那个意念控制... 你说Katherine以前用过的 the mind control...you said katherine used. 你对我用过吗? do you ever do that to me? 没有 no. 这条项链 that necklace, 里面装着一种叫马鞭草的草药 it contains an herb called vervain. 可以保护你不受影响 it protects you from being compelled. 我想它能保护你不受Damon的控制 i wanted to protect you from damon's influence. 同时我也希望你能... but i also wanted to... 不受我的影响 protect you from me. 好了 总之你永远不要脱下项链... all ght,n n you should never take that necklace off... 因为今天以后不管发生什么事 because no matter what happens after today, 对我的感觉怎么样... no matter how you feel about me... 你会知道你有选择的自由 you'll know that you were free to make your own choice. 她在哪? where is she? 往这里 come this way. 她嗑啥了? what's she on? 我不知道 -i d't know. 嘿 Vic 你咋样? hey,vic. how you doin'? 我不舒服 Mattie not good,mattie. 我很疼 i hurt. 哪儿疼? ok,where's it hurt?