Rooster's off to see the world 大公鸡环游世界 (上半部)

Rooster's off to see the world 大公鸡环游世界 (上半部)

2016-05-12    11'55''

主播: Candy英文绘本故事

296 8

One fine morning, a rooster decided that he wanted to travel. So, right then and there, he set out to see the world. He hadn’t walked very far when he began to feel lonely. 一个阳光明媚的早晨,大公鸡决定要出去旅行。 它做好决定要去环游世界了。世界那么大,我也得出去看看呀。 但还没走多远啊,它就感到有一些孤独了。。。 Just then, he met two cats. The rooster said to them, “Come along with me to see the world”. The cats liked the idea of a trip very much. “We would love to”, they purred and set off down the road with the rooster. 没走多久,大公鸡碰到了两只小猫。它冲着小猫说“和我一起周游世界吧”。 小猫们觉得这个主意不错。应声跟在大公鸡身后开始前行了。 As they wandered on, the rooster and the cats met three frogs. “How would you like to come with us to see the world?” Asked the rooster, eager for more company. “Why not?” answered the frogs. “We are not busy now.” so the frogs jumped along behind the rooster and the cats. 走着走着,它们遇到了三只青蛙。“你们愿意和我们一起去看看世界吗?” 青蛙们高兴地同意了。 After a while, the rooster, the cats, and the frogs saw four turtles crawling slowly down the road. “Hey”, said the rooster, “how would you like to see the world?” “It might be fun”, snapped one of the turtles and they joined the others. 没过一会儿,这支环游队伍又看见了四支乌龟在马路上爬行。 “Hey”, “想和我们一起去周游世界吗?” 乌龟们应声道“这应该很好玩吧”,说着也加入了队伍。 As the rooster, the cats, the frogs, and the turtles walked along, they came to five fish swimming in the brook. “Where are you going?” asked the fish. “We are off to see the world”. Answered the rooster. “May we come along?” pleaded the fish. “Delighted to have you,” the rooster replied. And so the fish came along to see the world. 在前进的途中,环游世界大军又看见了五条鱼游过来。 “你们愿意和我们一道去看看世界吗?” 鱼儿们欢喜地答应了,兴高彩烈地加入了队伍。 The sun went down. It began to get dark. The moon came up over the horizon. “Where's our dinner?” asked the cats. “Where are we supposed to sleep?” asked the frogs. “We’re cold”. Complained the turtles. 太阳慢慢落山了,夜幕渐临。月亮缓缓升起。 小猫突然问道:“我们的晚餐在哪里啊?” 小青蛙也随声道:“我们今晚睡在哪里呢?” 乌龟们也集体抗议:“这天儿太冷了! Just then, some fireflies flew overhead. “we’re afraid” cried the fish. Now, the rooster really had not made any plans for the trip around the world. He had not remembered to think about food and shelter, so he didn’t know how to answer his friends. 就在此时,几只萤火虫从头上飞过。鱼儿们哭着说“我们好害怕呀!” 大公鸡此前还真得没做任何旅行方案呢。 它忘记考虑行程中的食物和住宿问题了。它也不知道该如何安抚伙伴们。