Mommy, teach me to read - Introduction 2/5

Mommy, teach me to read - Introduction 2/5

2016-01-29    01'23''

主播: 丹妮和妈妈irene

10 0

Mommy, Teach Me to Read! is based on mysecond book Ready, Set, Read! is first published    in      1997.        The   content     has   beenupdated and  expanded because—well, frankly because I've been continuouslyupdated  and expanded! Expanded not only through ten more years of mothering,but through ten years of using the Internet as a communications tool. Myblog hasfor the past several years kept me in close contact with mothers of preschoolers, whose questions have stimulated and challenged me, adding to whatI have to share through my books. 《妈妈,教我阅读》是在我1997年出版的第二本书《Ready, set, read》的基础上写的,内容曾经更新和扩充过,因为,坦白说,我一直在更新和扩充,扩充的内容是得益于我十几年育儿的经验,以及十年左右网络通讯工具使用的经验。我的博客:www.momylife.net让我在过去的几年中和学龄前幼儿的母亲们保持密切的联系,他们的问题能够激发,改变我,通过分享增加到我的书里。