Mommy, teach me to read - Introduction 4/5

Mommy, teach me to read - Introduction 4/5

2016-02-01    01'18''

主播: 丹妮和妈妈irene

10 0

Throughoutthe text, when you see the icon  , that is your signal that there are more resources, information, or   support at the Web site. Keep in mind thatthe information flow  there is two-way,so if you come across resources you think should be included, I'm only ane-mail away. 在整个书中,当你看到这个图标   ,就是在网站上有更多资源、信息,或支持的标记。请记得,信息的流动是双向的,所以当你碰到认为应该包含在内的资源,请e-mail给我。   Please know that I am not the kind of“expert” who thinks my way is God's way. I simply share what I was taught andwhat worked for me. If you don't have the time or energy to make use of everysingle idea presented in this book, that is not cause for discouragement. Justdo what works for you, feeling free to modify and combine with bits and piecesyou pick up elsewhere. 请了解,我不是那种"专家",认为我的方法就是上帝的方法,我只是分享我学到的和对我有用的。如果你没有时间和精力,利用书中的每一个方法,请不要气馁,就做那些你认为有用的,也可以随意修改,和结合你在其他地方学到的。