Mommy, teach me to read - Reading---the great adventure 2/6

Mommy, teach me to read - Reading---the great adventure 2/6

2016-02-04    01'41''

主播: 丹妮和妈妈irene

4 0

Your investment will build in each of your children eagerness and self-confidence—making every realm of knowledge as available as an open book. In addition, your involvement in their first efforts will nurture a love of words and ideas that will boost your children's potential for success—no matter where their future finds them. 你的投资将帮助孩子建立自信和热情——就像从一本打开的书中获取每个领域的知识一样。此外,在他们最初的努力尝试中,你的参与将会培植孩子们对于词语和创意的热爱,这是驱动孩子取得成功的潜力,不论他们未来的方向指向何处。 Teaching your child to read may sound like a tall order for an ordinary parent. It isn't. Since the first hieroglyphics, most children who learned to read learned to read at home, taught by theirparents. This resulted in some charming and intimate teaching methods, as when Hebrew parents baked cakes in the form of letters of the Hebrew alphabet, requiring their children to name the letters before they ate the cakes. Parents wrote words with honey for the child to read and lick from a slate, that “the words of the law might be sweet on his lips.”      对于普通的父母来说,指导孩子阅读听起来似乎是个高大上的指令,其实不然。因为,对于大部分孩子来说,最初的文字识别由父母指导在家庭里开始,这会形成一种可爱的和亲密的教学方式,就像犹太人,他们把蛋糕烘焙成字母的模样,要求孩子念出字母才能吃。父母用蜂蜜为孩子写下字词,孩子阅读和舔舐字板,这就是所谓的“上帝的话语就是孩子唇齿间的蜜糖。” 生词注释 Build in  1.(用房屋、围墙等)围住(或填满、堵塞、堵住): to build in with bricks the hole on theside of the house 用砖把房子一侧的空洞堵住 2.(修在墙壁上)使成为室内固定装置,将…建造成另一物件的一部分,使成为组成部分,镶装,嵌在墙上;使固定于他物: to build wardrobes in 在墙上修几个衣柜 to build in some capboards 在墙上嵌几个食橱  3.在…上造满房子;在…周围造房: to build castles in the air 建造空中楼阁 We are now completely built in. 现在我们周围都造满了房子。    realm   [relm] n.1.王国 2.领域;范围 3.【生物学、生态学】地域;圈;带;界 短语  in the realm of 在…领域    nurture   ['nə:tʃə]  vt.1.养育,培养,教养  2.给…营养物,培植:  to nurture one's offspring  抚养下一代 3.鼓励,促进,助长: to nurture promising musicians 培养有前途的音乐家 n.1.食物,营养物 2.养育,培育,教养 3.[总称]环境因素 变形 vt. nurtured/nurturing hieroglyphic   [,haiərəu'ɡlifik] adj.1.(尤指古埃及)象形文字的 2.用象形文字书写的;刻有象形文字的 3.有寓意的,用符号表示的 n.1.=hieroglyph 2.[复数,用作单数或复数]象形文字 3.[用复数]难以辨认的文字,难懂的文字 intimate 1   ['intimət] adj.1.亲密的,亲切的;友好的;密切的 2.深入了解的;熟悉的,精通的 3.深入的,深刻的;透彻的;详尽的,详细的 n.1.密友;知己 intimate 2   ['intimeit] vt.1.暗示,暗指;提示: He intimated to me his intention of leavingearly. 他向我暗示他要早些离开。 2.【古语】宣布;宣告;通知 变形  vt. intimated/intimating slate 1   [sleit] n.1.板岩,黏板岩;页岩 2.板石;石板;石板瓦;石状板 3.(书写用的)画石板 vt.1.用石板(或石瓦)铺盖: a slated house  石板瓦房 2.[主美国英语]把…列入候选人名单,将(某人)定为候选人,提(名): to slate somebody to be the president 提名某人为董事长 3.[主美国英语]预定,规划;选定,注定: to slate the premiere for June 预定首映式在六月举行 adj.1.板岩的;石板的 2.石板色的,暗蓝色的 短语 1.break (或smash) theslate [美国英语]撕毁候选人名单 2.clean the slate =wipe (off) theslate 3.have a slate loose (或 off, missing) [俚语]头脑有点不正常