Mommy, teach me to read - Readind---the great adventure 3/6

Mommy, teach me to read - Readind---the great adventure 3/6

2016-02-05    01'20''

主播: 丹妮和妈妈irene

10 0

Reading was not a compartmentalized task that one had to leave the home to learn, but part of the family bond—parents and older siblings passing on the keys that would unlock the secrets of the books the children had been hearing read aloud for as long as they could remember. Reading was part of a natural flow in the development of the child. 阅读不是条块分割的任务,一个人离开家去学习,而是家庭关系的一部分,家长和年长的哥哥姐姐将解锁书本的秘诀传承下去,孩子们一直听着大声朗读,只到他们能记住,阅读是孩子发展的自然流。 In the United States, two factors broughtabout a change: 在美国,有两个因素所带来的变化: the  advent of  public  education, originally intended  to  extend literacy to every child, and  公共教育的出现,原本打算识字延伸到每一个孩子,并且 our modern emphasis on specialization and the resulting public perception that learning occurs only in a certain building between specific hours by designated teachers. 我们现代人强调和注重专业化学习,让学习阅读仅仅交给了特定的老师在特定的时间内去学习。