Day 75 Reading: Time to Begin

Day 75 Reading: Time to Begin

2016-05-04    02'00''

主播: 丹妮和妈妈irene

151 8

When is the best time to start thinking about how your child will learn to read? 什么时候是开始考虑让孩子学习阅读的最佳时间? Now! 现在! Who is the best teacher? 谁是最好的老师? You. 你。 You've already gotten some idea how important and qualified a teacher you are. After all, God entrusted you to pass on his gift of language to your child. If your heart's desire is to continue the natural progression of spoken language into writing and reading, he will give you the confidence you need to do it. 你已经知道了你是多么重要和有资格的老师。毕竟,上帝信任你让你去将他的语言礼物传给你的孩子。如果你心里的愿望是继续语言表达的自然进程进而到阅读和书写,上帝会给你做这件事所需要的自信。 Never forget, you are your child's number one role model. He wants so much to be like you. If he sees you reading, if you have had cozy times reading together, he will naturally want to learn to read himself. Why wait to let someone else fulfill that wish? 别忘了,你是你孩子的第一个榜样。他太想和你一样了。如果他看到你在读书,如果你们有过一起阅读的安逸时光,他自然会想要学习自己阅读。为什么要等别人来满足那个愿望? It's a wonderful feeling to listen to a child read whom you have taught yourself, especially when that child is your own. And awesome to know he will be able to enjoy reading for years to come—eventually to your grandchildren. 听到你自己教的孩子读书是多么美妙的感觉,特别是当那个孩子是你自己的孩子。而且棒的是知道他会很多年都享受阅读——最终你影响到你的孙辈们。 I know this feeling from experience. And I also know teaching your child to read is not as difficult as most people think. 我有亲身体会。而且我知道,教自己的孩子阅读并不如大多数人想得那么难。 The next half of this chapter will give you all you need to teach your children the skills they need to begin a lifelong love of reading. I can't stress enough, you are already your child's primary teacher. Teaching reading is like the icing on the cake. 本章的下半部分将给你,你所需要教给孩子的,让他们开始终身爱上阅读的全部技巧。我不得不强调,你已经是你孩子最初的老师了。教阅读,就像是在蛋糕上撒糖霜,锦上添花。
上一期: this old man
下一期: Day 76 Reading: Time to Begin