PS 647 今天您终于来了

PS 647 今天您终于来了

2022-12-15    06'00''

主播: Ananda Marga王者之王瑜伽

239 0

今天您終於來了 You have come today 惦記著受苦的人們 to care for the suffering 驅除眾生心中的黑暗 To dispel the darkness from the minds of all, 慈愛一切萬有 To love all created beings. 大地企盼您的到來 For your arrival, the Earth was waiting. 人間悲愁處處 The signs of distress were everywhere present 人們已失去了所有的歡樂 All signs of happiness was lost 背負著苦難重擔 for carrying the heavy burden of afflictions. 在抑鬱的心中 all. You blaze your light more in the heart of 您灑下了甘露 點亮了明燈 Pour more and more sweetness into the 在您嘹亮號角的呼唤下 clarion call hearts of the oppressed. And with your 激勵著大家抬起頭來向前邁進 high. urge them to move ahead with heads held