Gazing on the Peak And what then is Daizong like? over Qi and Lu, green unending. Creation compacted【1】 spirit splendors【2】 here, Dark and Light, riving【3】 dusk and dawn. Exhilarating【4】 the breast, it produces layers of cloud; splitting eye-pupils【5】, it has homing birds entering. Someday may I climb up to its highest summit, with one sweeping view see how small all other mountains are. 单词释义 【1】compact [kəmˈpækt , ˈkɒmpækt] adj. 小型的; 袖珍的; 紧凑的; 体积小的; 紧密的; 坚实的; n. 小汽车; 带镜小粉盒; 协定; 协议; 契约; 合约; v. 把…紧压在一起(或压实); 【2】splendor ['splendə(r)] n. 华丽; 壮丽; 光辉; 显赫; 【3】rive [raɪv] n. 裂罅; 碎片; v. 撕开; 拧去 (from; away; off); 使烦恼; 分裂; 【4】exhilarate [ɪɡˈzɪləreɪt] v. 使高兴; 使兴奋; 使激动; 【5】eye pupil [ˈaɪ ˈpjuːpl] 深瞳; 眼瞳;
上一期: 1游龙门奉先寺
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