

2017-03-06    09'20''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

155 12

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ Part 1 词汇小霸王 基础词汇1600 passport n. 护照; patient n. 病人;患者; adj. 有耐心的; pay v. 付款;偿还;缴纳;付酬;赢利;付出代价; n. 工资;薪金; peace n. 和平;安静;清静; pear n. 梨; pearl n. 珍珠; perfect adj. 完美的;理想的;最佳的; performance n. 表演;演出;演奏;表现;履行; performance-related pay 绩效工资 personal adj. 个人的;私人的;私生活的;亲自的; personal electronic device 个人电子设备 physical adj. 身体的;物质的;物理学的; physical education 体育课 physics n. 物理学; piano n. 钢琴; pick v. 挑选;选择;采,摘(花,果);挖; n. 挑选;选择; pilot n. 飞行员; v. 驾驶;领航; pink adj. 粉红色的; n. 粉红色; pioneer n. 先锋;先驱;创始人; v. 开创;开发; pity n. 遗憾;同情; v. 怜悯; plastic n. 塑料; adj. 塑料制的; platform n. 站台;讲台;舞台;政纲;高台;(计算机)平台; plenty pron. 丰富;充足;大量; adv. 够多; plus prep. 加; adj. 有利地;好的;正的; conj. 而且; pocket n. 口袋;财力;一小片;少量; v. 装入口袋;窃取;赢得(奖金); adj. 袖珍的; point n. 观点;论点;要点;重点;目的;意图;地点;时刻;特点;得分;尖端; v. 指;指向;面对;暗示; pole n. 杆;地极;磁极; the North/South pole 北/南极 politics n. 政治;政治活动; pollute v. 污染;败坏; pool n. 游泳池;水塘;落袋台球;公用资金; v. 合伙使用; popular adj. 受欢迎的;公众的;通俗的;大众的; population n. 人口; post n. 工作;职位;邮政;邮递;邮件;岗位; v. 邮寄;寄出;张贴;公布;发布;  Part 2 真题长难句 He explores such problem consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information which he has obtained. (2006翻译篇章) 劈树:本句共包含三个谓语成份:“explores”,“seems”,“has obtained”,可以将本句切分为三个独立的小分句。 第一分句为:He explores such problems consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action; 第二分句为:which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information; 第三分句为:which he has obtained; 造竹:第一分为主句,第二分句为定语从句,修饰“action”,第三分句为定语从句,修饰“information”。 各分句中难词(词组)及在句中的含义: explore (探究) consciously (自觉地) articulately (清晰地) factual (事实的) moral (道德的) appropriate (适当的) in the light of (鉴于,依照) obtain (获得) 分句详解 第一分句: He explores such problems consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action; 主语:He 谓语:explores 宾语:such problems 状语1:consciously, articulately, and frankly, 状语2:first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action 第二分句: which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information; 主语:which (本句中在含义上等于“action”) 谓语:seems 宾语:appropriate 状语:in the light of the factual and moral information 第三分句: which he has obtained; 主语:he 谓语:has obtained 宾语:which (本句中在含义上等于“ information”) 翻译时注意,当分句较长时,我们可以将它按照语法成份依次翻译。 第一分句主谓宾部分较短,而状语较长,所以可以分为三个部分翻译: 主谓宾:He explores such problems;他探究这些问题; 状语1:consciously, articulately, and frankly;自觉地,清晰地以及坦诚地; 状语2:first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action;首先通过提问事实方面的问题(首先从事实的角度提出问题),其次通过提问道德方面的问题(其次从道德的角度提出问题),最后通过建议行为(最后提出解决办法); 第一分句翻译为:他(以)自觉,清晰以及坦诚的(方式)探究这些问题,首先从事实的角度提出问题,其次从道德的角度提出问题,最后提出解决办法; 第二分句状语部分较长,所以分为两部分翻译,这两部分为 : 主谓宾:which seems appropriate ;(解决办法)似乎是适宜的 状语:in the light of the factual and moral information;鉴于事实和道德信息(材料) “in the light of”为固定搭配,含义为“鉴于”; “factual “与 “moral”并列修饰“information”; 第二分句翻译为:鉴于事实和道德信息(材料),(解决办法)似乎是适宜的; 第三分句较短,直接翻译即可: 主谓宾:which he has obtained;他已经获得的信息(材料) 第三分句翻译为:他已经获得的信息(材料); 原文回顾:He explores such problems consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information which he has obtained. 全句翻译为:他(以)自觉,清晰以及坦诚的(方式)探究这些问题,首先从事实的角度提出问题,其次从道德的角度提出问题,最后,鉴于他所获得的事实和道德信息(材料),提出似乎适宜的解决办法。 句式结构考点:复杂状语,定语从句的嵌套使用; 难度级别: 短语背诵: He explores … consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking …, then by asking …, finally by suggesting … in the light of   智慧点滴 You do not succeed because you do not know what you want or you don’t want it intensely enough. 你没有成功是因为你不知道你渴望得到什么或你的渴望还不够强烈。