

2017-04-13    10'09''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

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感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 我是海天考研的咨询师和教务欢姐。负责中华女子学院。有关考研问题欢迎加我微信15810039954.欢姐建有专属的打卡群,会把你拉进群里。群里提交作业和语音,欢姐会给你免费纠音噢。 感谢您的收听!如果您喜欢欢姐的声音,期待您的转发和订阅。您的支持是我前进的动力! 音频配套文本如下: 海天考研每日作业 Part1 词汇小霸王 中级词汇1000 gasoline [ˈgæsəli:n] n.汽油; gaze [geɪz] v.凝视,注视; n.凝视,端详; gear [gɪə(r)] n.齿轮; 排挡; 传动装置; v.接上; 调和; 使适应; 装上齿轮; 用齿轮连接; gene [dʒi:n] n.基因; 遗传因子; generate [ˈdʒenəreɪt] v.形成,造成; 产生物理反应; 产生(后代); 引起; generator [ˈdʒenəreɪtə(r)] n.发电机,发生器; 电力公司; 生产者,创始者; genius [ˈdʒi:niəs] n.天才; 天赋; 天才人物; (特别的) 才能; genuine [ˈdʒenjuɪn] adj.真正的; 坦率的,真诚的; 血统纯粹的,纯种的; geometry [dʒiˈɒmətri] n.几何学; 几何形状; 几何图形; 几何学著作; ghost [gəʊst] n.鬼,幽灵; (尤指可怕事物的) 记忆; v.悄悄地行进; glimpse [glɪmps] n.一瞥,一看; 隐约的闪现; 模糊的感觉; v.瞥见; global [ˈgləʊbl] adj.全球的,全球性的,有关全球大局的; 全面的,整体的,全局的; 球形的,球状的,球面的,球体的; globe [gləʊb] n.地球仪; 球,球状物; 地球,世界; 天体; v.(使) 成球状; glorious [ˈglɔ:riəs] adj.辉煌的; 荣誉的; 极好的; glow [gləʊ] v.发光,灼热; 脸红; 洋溢,喜形于色; n.白热,炽热; 色彩鲜艳,尤指红光; 激情; 热烈; government [ˈgʌvənmənt] n.政府; 政体; 治理的形式; 管辖,治理; governor [ˈgʌvənə(r)] n.主管人员; 统治者,管理者; 调节器; grab [græb] v.抢先,抢占; 夺取或抓住; 抢夺,霸占; 匆匆拿走;夺取; 抓住,攫取; grace [greɪs] n.优雅; 恩泽; 慈悲; 魅力; 使优美; 惠赐; graceful [ˈgreɪsfl] adj.优美的,优雅的; 雅致的,美好的; 得体的; 飘逸; gradual [ˈgrædʒuəl] adj.渐进的,渐(升)降的; 倾斜度小的; 逐次的,逐渐的; 平缓的; grand [grænd] adj.宏大的,宏伟的; (最) 重要的; 豪华的; grant [grɑ:nt] v.授予; 承认; 同意; 准许; n.拨款; 补助金; 授给物(如财产、授地、专有权、补助、拨款等); grateful [ˈgreɪtfl] adj.感激的,感谢的; 令人愉快的; 宜人的; grave [ɡreɪv] adj.严重的; 重大的,重要的; [音乐] 沉重的; (颜色等) 朴素的; adv.沉重地,庄重地; 极慢地; n.坟墓,墓穴; 埋葬…的地方; 下场; 死亡; gravity [ˈgrævəti] n.重力; 万有引力,地心引力; 重要性,严重性; 严肃,庄重; graze [greɪz] v.放牧; 轻擦,擦破; 擦过,掠过; n.放牧; 擦伤; grip [grɪp] n.握力; 紧握,抓牢; 掌握,理解; 能力,胜任; v.握紧,抓牢; 吸引住:吸引…的兴趣或注意力; 引起; 保持紧握; gross [grəʊs] adj.总的; 粗俗的; 显而易见的; 恶劣的;总共收入; n.总额; guarantee [ˌgærənˈti:] n.保证,担保; 保证人,保证书; 抵押品; v.保证,担保; guideline [ˈgaɪdlaɪn] n.指导方针; 指导原则; gulf [gʌlf] n.海湾; 波斯湾; 分歧; (地面的) 裂口; v.吞没; 卷进; gum [gʌm] n.口香糖; 牙龈; 黏胶; v.胶合; 使…有粘性; guy [gaɪ] n.家伙,伙计;[复数] 各位; 一群男人(或女人); halt [hɔ:lt] n.暂停; 停止,中止; 小火车站; v.阻止; 使停止; 使中断; 使立定; 停止,立定; 犹豫; handful [ˈhændfʊl] n.少数,少量; 一把(的量); 难以控制的人(或动物); 棘手事; handy [ˈhændi] adj.方便的; 手巧的; 手边的,附近的; 便于使用的; harden [ˈhɑ:dn] v.使硬化; 使经得起考验; 使无情; 使轮廓鲜明; 变硬或更硬; 变稳定; 变习惯; hardware [ˈhɑ:dweə(r)] n.五金器具; 计算机硬件; 武器装备; harmony [ˈhɑ:məni] n.和谐; 协调; 融洽,一致; [音] 和声;  Part 2 真题长难句 And thanks to the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics, there are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy -- far greater precision than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone. 劈树:本句含有三个谓语单词,“are”,“can perform”,“can achieve”;可以切分为三个分句。 第一分句:And thanks to the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics, there are already robot systems; 第二分句:that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy -- far greater precision; 第三分句:than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone; 造竹:第一分句为主句;第二分句为“that”引导的定语从句;第三分句为“than”引导的比较状语从句。 各分句中难词(词组)及在句中的含义: thanks to (多亏了;由于) miniaturization (微型化) micro-mechanics (微型机械) submillimeter (亚毫米) accuracy (精确性) precision (精确度) physician (医生) 分句详解 第一分句:And thanks to the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics, there are already robot systems; there be句型:there are already robot systems 状语:And thanks to the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics “there are already robot systems”翻译为“已经存在一些机器人体系”; “And thanks to the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics”中“the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics”是“the A of B and C”结构,“B”与“C”作为整体处理; “electronics and micro-mechanics”翻译为“电子设备同微型机械”; “the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics”翻译为“电子设备同微型机械的不断微型化”; 第一分句翻译为:由于电子设备同微型机械的不断微型化,已经存在一些机器人系统; 第二分句:that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy -- far greater precision; 主语:that 谓语:can perform 宾语:some kinds of brain and bone surgery 定语:with submillimeter accuracy 补语:far greater precision “that”指代“robot systems”; “some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy”翻译为“一些精确到亚毫米级的脑部与骨科手术”; “far greater precision”中“far”是程度副词; “far greater precision”翻译为“精确地多”; 第二分句翻译为:(这些机器人系统)能够进行一些精确到亚毫米级的脑部与骨科手术——精确地多; 第三分句:than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone; 主语:highly skilled physicians 谓语:can achieve 状语:with their hands alone “their hands alone”中“alone”是形容词,修饰“their hands”; “with their hands alone”翻译为“单单用双手”; 第三分句翻译为:比极其娴熟的医生单单用双手所能达到的(水平); 原文回顾:And thanks to the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics, there are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy -- far greater precision than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone. 全句翻译为:由于电子设备同微型机械的不断微型化,已经存在一些能够进行一些精确到亚毫米级的脑部与骨科手术的机器人系统——比极其娴熟的医生单单用双手所能达到的(水平)精确地多。 句式结构考点:状语;定语从句;比较状语从句 难度级别: 短语背诵: thanks to far greater precision than highly skilled 明日预告 Despite a spell of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when it appeared that transistor circuits and microprocessors might be able to copy the action of the human brain by the year 2010, researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by decades if not centuries.   智慧点滴 It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. 你下决心的时刻就是塑造你命运的时刻。