

2017-10-15    02'07''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

291 7

All these activities can prevent the growth of important communication and thinking skills and make it difficult for kids to develop the kinds of sustained concentration they will need for most jobs.           劈树:本句中共有三个谓语成份:“can prevent”,“make”,“will need”,可以将原句切分为三个独立的小分句。   第一分句为:All these activities can prevent the growth of important communication and thinking skills; 第二分句为:and make it difficult for kids to develop the kinds of sustained concentration; 第三分句为:they will need for most jobs; (注:绿色背景为谓语动词,黄色背景为并列句连词)   造竹:第一分句为主句,主语为“All these activities”;第二分句为并列句,通过“and”连接,省略了主语“All these activities”以及“can”;第三分句为定语从句,省略了连接词“that”,恢复被省略后第三分句为“(that)they will need for most jobs”,“that”指代前面第二分句中的“the kinds of sustained concentration”。   各分句中难词(词组)及在句中的含义: activities (行为,活动) the growth of… (…的成长/形成) communication (交流,沟通) make it difficult for … to do (使得 …难以做) develop (培养) the kinds of … (该种,这种) sustained (持续的) concentration (注意力)   第一分句翻译为:所有这些活动都可能阻碍重要的沟通与思考能力的形成; 第二分句翻译为:并使得孩子难以培养…这种持续的注意力; 第三分句翻译为:他们将来从事大多数工作所需的;   原文回顾:All these activities can prevent the growth of important communication and thinking skills and make it difficult for kids to develop the kinds of sustained concentration they will need for most jobs.(注:红色为主句,绿色为定语从句;绿色背景为谓语动词,黄色背景为并列句连词)   全句翻译为:所有这些活动都可能阻碍重要的沟通与思考能力的形成并使得孩子难以培养他们将来从事大多数工作所需的这种持续的注意力。 或可以翻译为:所有这些活动都可能阻碍重要的沟通与思考能力的形成并使得孩子难以培养这种持续的注意力,这种注意力是他们将来从事大多数工作所需的。 (注:红色为主句,绿色为定语从句) 句式结构考点:定语从句,并列结构 难度级别:   短语背诵:prevent the growth of… (阻碍…的形成) important communication and thinking skills (重要的沟通与思考能力) make it difficult for … to do (使得 …难以做) sustained concentration (持续的注意力)
上一期: 考研长难句1013
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