DAY118 她从来不在商店买衣服

DAY118 她从来不在商店买衣服

2018-12-20    04'15''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

5408 38

DAY118 她从来不在商店买衣服 她从来不在商店买衣服 She never buys "off the rack". Hi,大家好,今天我们的强档topic是:She never buys "off the rack". 什么意思呢? Remember we talked about tailors last week, Victor? Well, "off the rack" is the exact opposite, it means you just walk in and buy it from a store. 原来是现成的,直接从商店里买的。 In America, using a tailor is extremely expensive, and only rich people can afford to have their clothing made, such as people who are high level business executives, or movie stars, or people in jobs where image and appearing rich is very important. 在美国,有钱人才找私人的裁缝做衣服。 WORDS 单词注解  opposite [ˈɔpəzit] a. 相反的,对立的 afford [əˈfɔ:d] v. 买得起;付得起 executive [iɡˈzekjutiv] n. 执行者;高级官员