

2015-07-21    20'40''

主播: 英语101

26659 519

Leonard: What are you talking about? The date went fine. Howard: Dude,she said she wants to slow things down. Leonard: Okay,so she said she wants to slow things down. It&`&s like saying,"I&`&m really enjoying this meal. I&`&m going to slow down and savor it." Howard: No,it&`&s like,"This fish tastes bad, so I&`&m gonna slow down and spit it out." Raj:You being the fish. Leonard:- I&`&m not the fish. Howard: Oh,really? Did you make a second date? Leonard:Well,no,we sort of decided to wing it. Sheldon: Oh,even I know that&`&s lame. Leonard:Okay, all right,let&`&s assume your hypothesis. We went to dinner, we talked,we laughed, we kissed. Where could I have possibly gone wrong? Howard: Leonard. Think back,Leonard. The littlest things can set women off. Like,"Hey,the waitress is hot, I bet we could get her to come home with us." Or, "How much does your mom weigh? I want to know what I&`&m getting into." Leonard:I didn&`&t say anything like that. Howard: Good,&`&cause they don&`&t work.