

2017-05-09    11'39''

主播: 若雪明

1231 14

在上一期的故事中,我们讲到猎人放了白雪公主,白雪公主在森林里跑了一整天,最后发现了七个小矮人的房子,她很累了,于是躺在他们的床上睡着了。七个小矮人回来后发现了白雪公主,都感到非常惊讶。 When it was morning little Snow-white awoke, and was frightened when she saw the seven dwarfs. But they were friendly and asked her what her name was. "My name is Snow-white." she answered. "How have you come to our house?" said the dwarfs. Then she told them that her step-mother had wished to have her killed, but that the huntsman had spared her life, and that she had run for the whole day, until at last she had found their dwelling. The dwarfs said, “If you will take care of our house. cook, make the beds, wash, sew, and knit, and if you will keep everything neat and clean, you can stay with us and you shall want for nothing." "Yes," said Snow-white, "with all my heart," and she stayed with them. She kept the house in order for them; in the mornings they went to the mountains and looked for copper and gold, in the evenings they came back, and then their supper had to be ready. The girl was alone the whole day, so the good dwarfs warned her and said, "Beware of your step-mother, she will soon know that you are here; be sure to let no one come in." 第二天早上,白雪公主醒来后见有七个小矮人围着她,吓了一大跳,但他们非常和气地问她说:“你叫什么名字?”“我叫白雪公主。”她回答。小矮人们又问:“你是怎样到我们家里来的? "于是,白雪公主就讲了继母想要杀死她,但是猎人放了她,她跑了一整天,最后发现了他们的小房子。小矮人们说:“如果你愿意为我们收拾房子、做饭、洗衣服、纺线、缝补衣裳,把房间弄得整整齐齐,干干净净,你就可以留在这里,什么也不会缺。”“好,”白雪公主回答道,“我太乐意了。”于是她就和他们住在了一起,替他们料理家务。每天早晨,他们进山去找矿物和金子,晚上回到家里的时候饭就已经准备好了。白天的时候,只有小姑娘一个人在家,好心的小矮人们告诫她说:“小心你的继母啊,她很快就会找出你在哪儿的,你千万不要让任何人进屋来。” But the Queen, believing that she had eaten Snow-white's lung and liver, could not but think that she was again the first and most beautiful of all; and she went to her looking-glass and said- "Looking-glass, Looking-glass, on the wall. Who in this land is the fairest of all?" and the glass answered - "Oh, Queen, thou art fairest of all I see, But over the hills, where the seven dwarfs dwell, Snow-white is still alive and well, And none is so fair as she." 王后以为自己吃了白雪公主的肺和肝,这下,她一定是全国最漂亮的女人了,她走到魔镜面前说: “墙上的镜子啊, 谁是这个国家最漂亮的女人?” 镜子回答说: “是您,王后!您是这里最漂亮的女人. 但是在山的那一边, 和小矮人住在一起的白雪公主, 没有人比她更漂亮。” Then she was astounded, for she knew that the looking-glass never spoke falsely, and she knew that the huntsman had betrayed her, and that little Snow-white was still alive. 王后听了大吃一惊,因为她知道这面镜子是从不说谎话的,一定是那猎人蒙骗了她,白雪公主还活着。 And so she thought and thought again how she might kill her, for so long as she was not the fairest in the whole land, envy let her have no rest. And when she had at last thought of something to do, she painted her face, and dressed herself like an old pedler-woman, and no one could have known her. In this disguise she went over the seven mountains to the seven dwarfs, and knocked at the door and cried, "Pretty things to sell, very cheap, very cheap." Little Snow-white looked out of the window and called out, "Good-day my good woman, what have you to sell?" "Good things, pretty things," she answered; "stay-laces of all colours," and she pulled out one which was woven of bright-coloured silk. "I may let the worthy old woman in," thought Snow-white, and she unbolted the door and bought the pretty laces. "Child," said the old woman, "what a fright you look; come, I will lace you properly for once." Snow-white had no suspicion, but stood before her, and let herself be laced with the new laces. But the old woman laced so quickly and so tightly that Snow-white lost her breath and fell down as if dead. "Now I am the most beautiful." said the Queen to herself, and ran away. 于是,她又开始谋划如何去杀死白雪公主。只要她一天不是这个国家最美的人,妒火就让她一刻也不得安宁。她终于想到了个好主意,便把自己的脸涂黑,装扮成一个卖杂货的老太婆,叫人完全认不出来了。她就这样翻过七座山,来到了那七个小矮人的住处,敲了敲门喊道:“卖好东西喽,便宜买喽!”白雪公主从窗户往外看去,说道:“您好,亲爱的老婆婆,您卖的是什么呀?”“好东西,漂亮极了,”她回答道,“有孔衣服的丝带,各种颜色全都有。”说着,就拿出了一条用彩色丝线编织的丝带。白雪公主暗想“老婆婆是诚实的人,我可以让她进来。”于是她打开门,想要买条漂亮的丝带。“孩子,”老太婆说:“瞧你的模样!过来,我好好替你扎一扎。”毫无戒备的白雪公主走了过去,让她替自己扎上新丝带。谁知老太婆猛地用力将带子拉紧,白雪公主便被勒得透不过气来,很快失去知觉倒在了地上,就像死去了一样。“现在我是最美的人了,”王后说完就赶紧跑了。