

2019-05-16    14'41''

主播: 龄儿,

205 4

There was once a foolish donkey who wished he was something else. 从前有一头愚蠢的驴,它希望自己是其他的生物。 “If only I was a giraffe,” he would say, “then I could look over the tops of trees...” “如果我是一只长颈鹿就好了,” 他说,“这样我就可以看到树的顶端......” “if only I was an elephant then I could remember where I left things...” “如果我一只大象就好了,这样我就可以记得我的东西丢在哪儿了......” “if only I was a cheetah then I could run like the wind...” “如果我是猎豹就好了,这样我就可以跑得像风一样快......” “or fierce as a rhinoceros... or cunning as a crocodile... or strong as a hippo.” “又或者是像犀牛一样凶猛......又或者可以像鳄鱼一样灵巧......又或者能如河马一般强壮。” Anything was better than being a donkey. Everyone laughed at donkeys and he didn’t like it one little bit. 做什么都比做一只驴要好。大家都笑话驴,他一点都不喜欢当一头驴。 One day, when he was walking through the forest the donkey saw something draped over the branch of a tree. 有一天,这驴正在森林里散步,他突然看到个东西垂挂在一根树枝上。 When he got closer, he could see it was a lion costume. 他走近些看,发现那是一套狮子服。 “I’d look good in that.” he thought. “我穿上这戏服一定很好看。” 他想。 So he put it on. 于是他穿了上去。 It covered him from head to foot. The donkey found a pool and looked at his reflection. 这戏服把他从头到脚都包裹了起来。他于是找到一个池塘,看自己在水中的倒影。 “I look magnificent!” he said. “我看着多华丽呀!” 他说。 He paraded up and down looking at his reflection from every angle. The massive head of the lion covered his donkey’s head and the lion’s golden mane flowed round his neck. 他从各种角度来来回回上上下下地欣赏自己在水中的倒影。魁伟的狮子头盖在他的驴头上,还有狮子那金色的鬃毛环绕着他的脖子。 “I look like a lion and I feel like a lion,” he said. “No-one will laugh at me now. I am King of the beasts!” “我看起来像一头狮子,我感觉我自己就是一头狮子,” 他说。“没有谁敢嘲笑我了现在。我可是万兽之王!” The donkey couldn’t wait to show himself to other animals. He walked up to a giraffe who was eating leaves from the top of a tall tree. 驴迫不及待地想要去展示给其他动物看。他走到了一只长颈鹿面前,这只长颈鹿正在吃树顶的树叶。 She stopped when she saw the donkey and bent her long legs in a curtsy. 看到了驴之后,长颈鹿停止了进食,并且还弯了一下她的长腿,给驴行屈膝礼。 “Your Majesty.” she said, in a fearful voice. “尊贵的殿下。” 她用胆怯的声音说道。 “Greetings, giraffe,” said the donkey in a deep, lion-like voice. “Won’t you join me in a stroll?” “嘿~长颈鹿,” 驴用像狮子一样低沉的声音说道。“来陪我一块儿散步呗?” “I can’t today,” said the giraffe, “I have to get tea for my children.” And she ran away as quickly as she could. “今天不行,” 长颈鹿说,“我要去给我的孩子们端茶去。” 长颈鹿飞快地跑开了。 The donkey smiled to himself. 驴得意地笑了。 He saw a hippo in the river. The hippo bowed his head when he saw the donkey. 他又看见了一只河马在河里。河马看见了驴,微微低头示意。 “Your Majesty.” he said, in hushed tones. “尊贵的殿下。” 他用庄重的口吻说道。 “Greetings hippo,” said the donkey. “Won’t you join me in a stroll? “嘿~河马,” 驴说。“来陪我一块儿散步呗?” “I can’t today,” said the hippo. “I have to call on a friend who is sick.” And he sank out of sight. “今天不行,” 河马说。“我要去看望一位生病的朋友。” 说完他就沉了下水,没了踪影。 Inside the lion costume the donkey was grinning all over his face. He tripped over a crocodile sunbathing on a rock. 躲在狮子服里的驴笑逐颜开。然后他就被一只在岩石上沐日光浴的鳄鱼绊倒了。 “Your Majesty!” said the crocodile, smiling with his teeth on the outside of his lips. “尊贵的殿下!” 鳄鱼边笑边说,笑得牙齿都漏出了嘴唇。 “Greetings crocodile,” said the donkey. “Won’t you…” But the crocodile had slipped into the water and disappeared. “嘿~鳄鱼,” 驴说。“不如....” 但他还没说完,鳄鱼就溜进水里,消失了。 The donkey was jubilant. He wanted to leap up and down with delight. 驴简直欣喜若狂,他高兴得想要上蹿下跳。 What a marvellous thing it was to be a lion! A lion was admired and feared by all the other animals. He felt like a king. 做一头狮子多好啊!所有的动物都仰慕狮子,敬畏狮子。他感觉自己像个国王。 Just then a wily fox came into view. When he saw the donkey he turned to run. 就在这时,一只狡猾的狐狸出现了。他一看到驴就转身逃跑。 The donkey could contain his delight no longer.  驴再也藏不住自己的兴奋了。 “I’m a lion,” he thought. “I look like a lion, I act like a lion. I feel like a lion. I BET I EVEN SOUND LIKE A LION! ” “我是一头狮子,” 他心想。“我看着像一头狮子,我的行为举止也是狮子,我感觉我就是头狮子。所以我敢说,我的声音一定也像一头狮子!” And the foolish donkey lifted his head and roared. 于是这只愚蠢的驴昂起头,开始吼叫起来。 “Hee-Haw, Hee-Haw, Hee-Haw!” The fox stopped in his tracks. He knew that sound. 狐狸停了下来。他熟悉这声音。 He grabbed the lion's mane and pulled. The lion costume came off in his hands. 他抓住狮子的鬃毛并拉扯了几下。狮子服就脱了下来在他手里。 The donkey stood there, trembling. 驴站在那儿,浑身颤抖着。 The fox began to laugh. So did the crocodile. So did the giraffe. And so did the hippo. 狐狸开始大笑起来。鳄鱼也笑了。长颈鹿也笑了。河马也笑了。 “If only I had kept my mouth shut.” thought the donkey. “如果我不叫就好了。” 驴心想。 The other animals put their arms round him. “Don’t worry,” they said, “we like you just as you are.” 其他动物纷纷跑来拥抱他。“别担心,” 他们说,“我们都喜欢像你这样的。” And they all hurried away before the real lion came along. 然后他们在真正的狮子过来前,​急匆匆地散场了。
上一期: 狐狸与乌鸦
下一期: 临洞庭