Titanic沉没100周年朗诵- Colin Morgan

Titanic沉没100周年朗诵- Colin Morgan

2014-07-04    01'54''

主播: 科林摩根

19600 326

【北爱尔兰口音】 亲爱的凯特 My dear Kate, 这艘船就像一座宫殿 The ship is like a palace. 船上有165码不间断的甲板供你运动 There is an uninterrupted deck run of 165 yards for exercise, 有一个绝好的室内游泳池 and a ripping swimming bath, 还有健身房 网球场 gymnasium and squash racket court, 超大的休息室和环绕的游廊 a huge lounge and surrounding verandas. 我的船舱好极了 My cabin is ripping, 有冷热水 hot and cold water, 有很舒服的床 空间也很大 and a comfy looking bed and plenty of room. 写信告诉我你最近的情况 Write and tell me how you are getting on. 一周一封信不会累着你的 One letter a week ought not to over-tired you. 爱你的爸爸 Your loving dad. 不一会我感觉到引擎减慢直至停止 In a few moments I felt the engines slow and stop; 伴随了我们四天的摇晃与震颤 the dancing motion and the vibration ceased suddenly 突然一下中止了 after being part of our very existence for 4 days, 这是第一个信号 and that was the first hint 标志着不寻常的事情发生了 that anything out of the ordinary had happened. 救生艇甲板上挤满了人 The Boat Deck was thronged with people. 许多妇女儿童是被迫上的救生艇 Many women and children had to be forcibly put into the boats. 他们觉得大轮船的甲板 They felt much more safe on the decks of the big liner 要比只高出水面90英尺的救生艇更安全 than in the small boats about 90 feet above the waterline. 泰坦尼克号最终沉没时 When the Titanic took her final plunge 当时的噪音我永远不会忘记 there was a noise I shall never forget- 高呼声 尖叫声 爆炸声 shouting,screaming,and explosions. 足球决赛成千上万的粉丝也不能与之匹敌 A hundred thousand fans at a Cup Final could not make more noise.