《暴风雨》唱段合集 The Tempest

《暴风雨》唱段合集 The Tempest

2014-07-04    04'56''

主播: 科林摩根

16029 275

1. 请来到这个黄沙滩 Come unto these yellow sands, 然后再把手儿牵 And then take hands; 等你们接过吻 行过礼 Curtsied when you have and kiss'd, 凶险的风涛也静下去 The wild waves whist, 你们到处跳得要轻灵 Foot it featly here and there, 并请诸位一齐唱一生 And, sweet sprites, bear the burden. 听 听!咆 吼 Hark, hark! Bow, wow. 狗的叫声 The watch dogs bark. 听 听!我听见了 Hark, hark! I hear 雄赳赳的公鸡叫 The strain of strutting chanticleer, 雄赳赳的公鸡叫 of strutting chanticleer. 2. 我的父亲睡在五噚深处 Full fathom five thy father lies; 他的骨头变了珊瑚 Of his bones are coral made; 他的眼睛成了珍珠 Those are pearls that were his eyes; 他浑身没有一点朽腐 Nothing of him that doth fade 而是受了海水的冲洗 But doth suffer a sea-change 成为富丽奇瑰的东西 Into something rich and strange. 海上女神时时的敲着丧钟 Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell: 叮当 叮当 Ding-dong, ding-dong. 听啊 我听见钟响 Hark! Now I hear them- 叮当 钟 Ding-dong bell. 3.我的主人用他的法术预先察知了他的朋友 你们二位 所糟的危险 My master through his art foresees the danger That you, his friend, are in; 派我前来 否则他的计划全毁了 搭救你们 and sends me forth- For else his project dies-to keep them living. 你们在此酣睡的时候 While you here do snoring lie, 小心谨慎的阴谋 Open- ey'd conspiracy 正在大胆进行 His time doth take. 你们若想把性命保存 If of life you keep a care, 摆脱瞌睡 并且留神 Shake off slumber, and beware.Awake, awake! 快醒!快醒! Awake, awake! 4.我的阔绰的妹妹可好? How does my bounteous sister? 跟我去 祝那一对男女 Go with me to bless this twain, 令他们腾达如意 并有显达的儿女 That they may prosperous be,And honour'd in their issue. 愿尊荣 财富 结婚的幸福 Honour,riches,marriage-blessing, 长久地延续 繁昌富庶 Long continuance,and increasing, 时时的快乐降给你们 Hourly joys be still upon you! 鸠诺唱着她的祝福给你们 Juno sings her blessings on you. 大地的生产 五谷的丰获 Earth's increase, foison plenty, 仓廪不空 粮库常足 Barns and gamers never empty; 葡萄园里结实累累 Vines with clust'ring bunchesb growing, 果树的枝子压得低垂 Plants with goodly burden bowing; 春天来到你的田庄 Spring come to you at the farthest, 最迟在收获完的时光 In the very end of harvest! 贫匮穷乏永远轮不到你们 Scarcity and want shall shun you, 塞利斯这样的祝福你们 Ceres' blessing so is on you. 5.在蜜蜂吸蜜的地方我吸蜜 Where the bee sucks, there suck I; 我卧在莲香花的钟儿里 In a cowslip's bell I lie; 我一直睡到枭鸟的鸣声起 There I couch when owls do cry. 我骑在蝙蝠背上飞去 On the bat's back I do fly 快活的去追寻着夏季 after summer merrily. 我现在可以快乐的快乐的流连 Merrily, merrily shall I live now 在那枝头悬挂着的花朵下边 Under the blossom that hangs on the bough.
下一期: Titanic沉没100周年朗诵- Colin Morgan