

2019-08-16    06'40''

主播: 海绵MBA

184 3

Diamonds Are A Girl&`&s Best Friend The French were bred to die for love. They delight in fighting duels. But I prefer a man who lives and gives expensive jewels. 法国人总爱为爱情献身,他们热衷决斗争胜。但我喜欢活着的男人(决斗常常死人),送我价值连城的珠宝 A kiss on the hand may be quite continental. But diamonds are a girl&`&s best friend. A kiss may be grand but it won&`&t pay the rental on your humble flat, or help you at the automat. 执手轻吻或许有些欧陆情调,但只有钻石才是女孩最好的朋友。热吻也许美妙,却不能帮你把哪怕是很廉价的房租抵消,也不能帮你在自动售卖机前买一杯饮料。 Men grow cold as girls grow old, and we all lose our charms in the end. But square cut or pear shaped, these rocks don&`&t lose their shape. Diamonds are a girl&`&s best friend. 男人总不可靠,女人总会变老,风姿红颜抵不过岁月风刀。但是那些钻石,不管是切成方形还是梨形,永远不会改变它们的形状。钻石才是女孩最好的朋友,最可靠。 Tiffany&`&s, Cartier,talk to me, Harry Winston, tell me all about it. There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer, but diamonds are a girl&`&s best friend. 蒂芬尼,卡地亚,海瑞·温斯顿,通通砸过来不要停。我听不够这些名字的美妙或许有一天女子也需要律师的关照(离婚),只有钻石是女孩最好的朋友,最可靠。 There may come a time when a hard boiled employer thinks your awful nice, but get that ice or else no dice. 或许有一天有个没良心的老板,觉得你超级能干,但不拿钻石来免谈(夸奖都是虚的)。 He&`&s your guy when stocks are high, but beware when the start to descend. 股票价格正高时那男人可称是你的依靠,但小心那随时破灭的泡泡 It&`&s then that those louses go back to their spouses. Diamonds are a girl&`&s best friend 那些没用的家伙到那时只能回家靠老婆过活,所以只有钻石才是女孩最好的朋友,最可靠。 I&`&ve heard of affairs that are strictly platonic,but diamonds are a girl&`&s best friend. 我也听说有些风流韵事是纯粹柏拉图式调调(讽刺有些男人一毛不拔), 所以只有钻石才是女孩最好的朋友,最可靠。 And I think affairs that you must keep liaisonic are better bets if little pets get big baggettes. 我知道那种私通需要身体拴住他的心,如果宠物们想要得到甜头的话. Time rolls on and youth is gone. And you can&`&t straighten up when you bend. But stiff back or stiff knees, you stand straight at Tiffany&`&s. 时光飞逝,青春如斯,你一旦驼背就别想再站直。但不管背痛还是跛脚,一见到Tiffany你就不会弯腰。 Diamonds! Diamonds! I don&`&t mean rhinestones. But Diamonds Are A Girl&`&s Best Friend 钻石!钻石!我说的可不是莱因石(人造钻石,也会闪亮)只有钻石才是女孩最好的朋友,最可靠!!! continental adj. 欧洲大陆的(不包括英国和爱尔兰) rental n. 租金 humble adj. 低下的,卑微的 automat n. 自动餐馆(旧时用自动售货机供应食物的餐馆) charms n. 魅力;魔力;吸引力 square n. 正方形;四方形;正方形物 stocks n. 股份;股票 descend v. 下来,下降 ; 下斜; 降临; 突然造访 spouses n. 配偶,夫或妻( spouse的名词复数 );