

2019-10-04    06'32''

主播: 海绵MBA

190 6

The Second Season of Big Hit Killing Eve There's a pervasive line of thinking, especially in 2019, that says the people and things we love will eventually let us down. It's never an if, always a when. So our heroes will inevitably turn out to be trash monsters. 人们普遍认为,尤其是在2019年,我们所爱的人和事最终都会让我们失望。永远不是“是否”的问题,而是“何时”的问题。所以我们的英雄不可避免地会沦落为垃圾怪物。 Our favorite bands will enter an experimental phase, even though no one asked them to. And our favorite TV shows will fail not only to reach greater heights, but they won't even come close to the same level of success they once had. And it was with this cynical mentality that I approached the second season of 2018's big hit Killing Eve. 尽管没人要求,我们最喜欢的乐队将进入试验阶段。我们最喜欢的电视节目不仅不能达到更高的高度,甚至达不到他们曾经拥有的成功水平。带着这种愤世嫉俗的心态,我去看了2018年大热剧集《杀死伊芙》的第二季。 How could a series that was so well written, so well acted, and so fiercely addictive in its freshman season possibly maintain the same level of quality in Season 2, especially since Phoebe Waller-Bridge, who developed the series for TV and wrote four of the first season's eight episodes, wasn't involved in the writing of the second? It seemed like an impossible task. 写得这么好、演得这么好、这么让人上瘾的剧,第二季怎么可能做到和第一季一样高质量,特别是因为菲比·沃勒-布里奇写了第一季八集里的四集,而她又不参与第二季剧本的创作,怎么可能呢?这似乎不可能啊。 But then a strange thing happened: Killing Eve's second season didn't let me down. In fact, I was immediately transfixed by the second season。 但奇怪的事出现了:《杀死伊芙》第二季没有让我失望。事实上,我是立刻被第二季惊呆了。 pervasive adj. 普遍的, 遍布的;充斥各处的;弥漫的 eventually adv. 最后;终于 hit n. 很受欢迎的人(或事物) inevitably adv.可避免地;必然地;意料之中 approached v. (在距离或时间上)靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求;(在数额、水平或质量上)接近 maintain v. 维持;保持; episodes n. (电视连续剧或无线电广播剧的)一集 involved v. 受牵扯的; 作为一部份参与的;(be involved in涉及,专心; 卷入) let us down 让我们失望