

2019-10-04    04'46''

主播: 海绵MBA

151 0

主动被动的转换 被动结构不一定是被)也可以是由,为,所,等等 例句: Nothing can be seen in the dark room. (被动变主动) He appeared in the room and was warmly welcomed by the audience (受到). There are known to be thousands of dfferent languages. (加主语) It is reported that Taiwan authorities refused to accept any help from the mainland. (特殊结构) 主动被动的转换 结构补充 It is hoped that It is said that It has been announced that It is assumed that It is considered that It is noticed that
上一期: 47.皮卡丘负鼠
下一期: 48.杀死伊芙