

2019-10-08    04'42''

主播: 海绵MBA

157 0

原文在这里: The Big Bang Theory ends &`&生活大爆炸&`&迎来大结局 After 12 years and 279 episodes, "The Big Bang Theory" ended with an emotional finale that attracted the biggest audience in recent years. 播出12年,共拍摄了279集的《生活大爆炸》日前温情收官,大结局创下近年来最高收视。 The one-hour finale on May 16 of CBS&`& longest-running sitcom gathered an audience rating of 3.2 among adults aged 18 to 49 years, the show&`&s highest since January 2018. More than 18 million viewers watched the final episode. 本月16日,CBS电视台播出时长一小时的《生活大爆炸》大结局,在18岁至49岁成年观众中的收视率为3.2,创下该剧自2018年1月以来的最高收视。超过1800万人观看了《生活大爆炸》大结局。 On Weibo, the tag "Big Bang Theory finale" got more than 100,000 discussion posts and 200 million views as of Saturday. 截至18日,微博上"生活大爆炸大结局"的标签吸引了超过10万条评论以及2亿点击量。 Another related tag, "The elevator was fixed in The Big Bang Theory" - the elevator of main characters&`& apartment that had been out of order since the show&`&s premiere in 2007 but finally worked in the finale - got 160 million views. 另一个相关标签"生活大爆炸的电梯修好了"也吸引了1.6亿点击量。自2007年该剧首播以来,主角们所住公寓的电梯就一直是坏的,但在大结局里,这部电梯终于修好能用了。 The show was known for its unprecedented portrayal of scientists as main characters and its affectionate depiction of nerd culture. 《生活大爆炸》前所未有地聚焦科学家这一群体,描绘出了怪咖文化的可爱之处。 finale n.(演出的)终场,结局;(音乐的)终曲,末乐章 audience n. (戏剧、音乐会或演讲等的)观众,听众;(同一事物的)观众,读者; sitcom n. 情景喜剧 tag n. 标签; 标牌; elevator n.电梯 apartment n. (通常指在同一楼层的)公寓套房; (度假用的)公寓套房; (尤指巨屋、名宅的)房间 out of order (机器、设备等)出故障,有毛病 premiere n.(电影、戏剧的)首次公演,首映 unprecedented adj. 前所未有的;空前的;没有先例的