

2020-03-27    07'10''

主播: 海绵MBA

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One of the World’s Most Crucial and Selfless Acts is Still Simply Washing Your Hands It’s a familiar situation in a public restroom: You’re on your way in, and someone else is leaving without washing their hands. They see you, and wheel around toward the sink. They start whistling, as if to seem casual, and then give their hands a quick spritz with water. 这是在公共厕所里常见的情况:在进去的时候碰上某个人还没有洗手正准备离开,他们看到你,就转身朝水池走去。他们开始吹口哨,装作似乎很随意的样子,然后迅速用水冲一下。 Even among people who will never see each other again, there’s a compulsion to perform a tiny baptism of the fingertips: Not enough scrubbing or soap to actually remove a virus, just enough to signal civility. Accordingly many Americans' standard of what constitutes a washing of the hands is abysmal. 即使是那些萍水相逢的人,也会有一种冲动,想要给对方的指尖进行一次小小的洗礼,因为他们并不用力擦洗也不用肥皂来消灭病毒,只是表示礼貌而已。由此可见,许多美国人对于洗手的标准非常糟糕。 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other agencies around the world have one clear, concise, definitive recommendation: Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. 美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)和世界各地的其他机构有一个清晰、简明、明确的建议:至少洗手20秒。 Those of us who’ve lived our entire lives removed from epidemics of cholera and other deadly hygiene-related outbreaks haven’t witnessed the power of hand-washing and take it for granted. But it may be the single most important thing any given person can do to help stop and prevent outbreaks. 我们这些一生都远离流行性霍乱和其他与卫生有关的致命疾病爆发的人,并没有见证过洗手的力量,也没有把它视为理所当然。但这可能是任何特定的人所能做的最重要的事来帮助阻止和预防疾病爆发。 People are told to cover their coughs and sneezes, but studies show a vast majority don’t wash their hands after doing so. 人们被告知咳嗽和打喷嚏时要用手遮住,但研究表明,绝大多数人在这样做后不洗手。 Someone carrying the pathogenic microbes might shake your hand, or touch a doorknob or desk that you later touch. Once you pick them up, if you touch your face, the circle is complete. 携带致病菌的人可能会和你握手,或触摸你稍后要碰的门把手或桌子。一旦你接触到这些病菌,再触摸你的脸,你就会被感染。 scrubbing 用力擦洗 concise 简明的 witnessed 见证 pathogenic 致病的 casual 随意的 compulsion 冲动 prevent 预防 majority 大多数 complete 完整的