106. 批准了!纽约居民通过视频远程登记结婚

106. 批准了!纽约居民通过视频远程登记结婚

2020-05-12    07'21''

主播: 海绵MBA

150 0

People in New York Will Be Able to Apply for Marriage Licences Remotely New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed an order allowing online marriages, as many weddings are cancelled under lockdown restrictions. 因为许多婚礼都由于封锁限制而取消了,所以纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫(Andrew Cuomo)签署了一项允许网上结婚的法令。 From now on, people in the US state will be able to apply for marriage licences remotely and clerks allowed to conduct ceremonies virtually. Mr. Cuomo joked that the decision meant there was now "no excuse" for couples not to tie the knot. "You can do it by Zoom. Yes or no?" he said in his briefing on Saturday. 从现在起,美国纽约州的居民将能远程申请结婚证,婚姻登记处的办事员可以在线主持登记仪式。科莫开玩笑说,这一决策意味着现在新人们“没有理由”不结婚了。周六,他在新闻简报上说:“可以通过视频会议软件Zoom结婚了,你们愿不愿意?” The decision comes after New York state extended lockdown measures until May 15. More than 13,000 people have died of coronavirus in New York city alone. 发布这一决策前,纽约州将封锁期延长到了5月15日,仅在纽约市就有超1.3万人死于新冠肺炎。 Social media reaction to the decision was mixed. Some questioned why couples would choose to hold weddings when their families and friends are unable to join them, or criticized the governor for not prioritising other decisions. But others pointed out that during a pandemic, marriage could offer practical benefits, such as allowing couples to share health insurance coverage. 社交媒体对这一决策褒贬不一。有些人质疑为什么新人们会选择在亲友无法参加的时候举行婚礼,也有人指责州长不优先做其他决策。然而其他一些人指出,在全球性流行病期间,婚姻可以带来实际效益,比如允许夫妇共享健康保险。 New York isn't the first place to turn to the internet to offer a legal solution. 纽约不是第一个让网上结婚合法化的地方。 Meanwhile, one county in Ohio is allowing people to obtain marriage licences online in specific circumstances, such as when one of the partners is a health care worker, suffers from a serious illness or has health insurance issues. 与此同时,美国俄亥俄州的一个县允许人们在特定情况下可以在线领结婚证,比如情侣中的其中一个人是医务工作者、患有重病或者有医保问题。