变幻中的书法 The Transformation of Calligraphy · 麒静

变幻中的书法 The Transformation of Calligraphy · 麒静

2015-07-01    09'41''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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本期主播:麒静-就读于华盛顿大学 本期文章: The Transformation of Calligraphy 录制地点: 美国 西雅图 粗细之于书法的艺术,起落之于生活的艺术。 生活中,我们周转在各种不同的场合,忙于学习各种生存技能,劳碌奔波。这些事情牵扯了我们太多的经历,让我们无法专注于自己的初衷,忽略了自己的内心世界。 或许我们每天拿出十五分钟让自己安静下来,做一件自己喜欢的,能够让自己专注的事情,比如书法,比如弹琴,又或者仅仅是闭目冥想……这些看似微不足道的事情,帮助我们在绝对静谧的环境中整理自己,创造出一个专属空间,与喧嚣的世界隔离开来。 对于麒静来说,书法就是开启这个空间的钥匙,也帮助麒静在多年的留学生活中自我反思,消除烦恼。 接下来,麒静将为你讲述她学习书法的故事,也希望今天的节目可以帮助你在嘈杂的世界中享有一份独有的宁静。 The Transformation of Calligraphy 变幻中的书法 “The art of calligraphy is the transformation of fineness and thickness.” This is Ms. Scary’s famous quote. I call her this to protect the guilty. Just like what you may guess, Ms. Scary was my Chinese calligraphy teacher. She was an old woman with huge, dark cotton clothes to cover her “king size” body. She always put a pair of thick glasses on her nose to hide her piercing eyes. I have nothing good to tell about her but everybody else tended to admire her knowledge and talents. To me--a six-year-old girl’s point of view, she was the beginning of all the disasters in my life and this is why I would like to call her “Ms. Scary.” I have to say that she was super strict and rigid with each of her students, especially students in her advanced class. She never let us talk or sit in her class and she never gave us perfect grades. In order to satisfy her, we could only compare the fineness and thickness of each Chinese character and be patient till the class ended. I hated her so much that I even started to detest my brush work. Whenever I put up my brush, I felt like she was right behind me. Whenever I looked at my practice paper, I felt like I saw the reflection of her. Finally, I could not bear the nightmare she gave me and I decided to quit the practices. After 10 years, I got my first chance to visit America and somebody asked me to present my Chinese Brush work. I hesitated. However, when they gave me several rounds of applause, I suddenly felt the magical power of my little brush. In the deep blue eyes of the audience, I saw the attraction of the glamour within calligraphy. After that successful performance, I decided to continue developing calligraphy skills. Those intrigued eyes helped me find the value of calligraphy. The applause and attention made me finally realize that my love of calligraphy was not something that could be changed by an odd teacher. Without any unwillingness, I lifted my brush up, thought about the structure and details of each character and started to write. Just like the flowing wind, the tip of my brush moved smoothly throughout the entire poem. With different thickness of strokes, each of the characters was like a person with different motion. I finally experienced the actual art of calligraphy and became dedicated to this traditional Chinese art. Calligraphy, the constant change between thickness and fineness, helps me transform my attitudes when I am confronted with difficult tasks. From each exquisite stroke, I learned to change my hasty temperament to a peaceful state of mind. In my mind, the “Ms. Scary” illusion has changed into the figure “Ms. Helper” after my revelation over the Chinese calligraphy. Looking at a masterpiece hanging on the wall, I heard the echo “The art of calligraphy is the transformation of fineness and thickness”. 垫乐: 1. Charlie Landsborough - Vincent 2. 王俊雄 - 山谷里飘来的风 3. 西村由纪江 - 时の薫り 主播:麒静 | 制作,发行:永清 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片源于网络