

2017-07-19    08'36''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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【点击微信右上角+号---添加朋友---公众号---搜索“为你读英语美文”---关注后查看原文,垫乐,参加互动,活动】 【第206期】《大自然在说话》合集二 上周,我们和大家分享了《大自然在说话》系列的第一个合集:由Sally, 永清,熊叔,筱思,尚尚,黄茜分别为水,雨林,海洋,花,珊瑚,大自然母亲发声。 本周,我们要和大家分享的是《大自然在说话》系列的第二个合集:由潇雨,雲昊,蒋怡,Sean,严喆,维安,罗斌,分别为天空,土地,家园,冰,山,红木发声。 12个角色,13位主播,持续1年的制作和播出时间,感谢所有主播的用心演绎,也感谢你的聆听,希望我们一起携手,保护环境,保护大自然。 Sky 天空 播:潇雨 Look up. 抬头看 There I am. I am the Sky. 我在这里 I am a warm and protective blanket wrapped around everyone on Earth. 我散发温暖,保护地球上的每一个人 I can bring clouds, rain and the wind. I can be an ice storm. 风起云动雨飘,甚至狂风暴雨,都由我掌控 Without me, you'd fry. 没有我,你将受尽烈日煎熬 Every day, I am the breath you take in, yet you are making me sick. 我是你呼吸的每一口空气,但你却害我奄奄一息 I am congested, off-balance, polluted. 失去平衡,充满污染 You see, I am more delicate than you think. 其实我,比你所想的要脆弱 It took millions of years to get it just right — my perfect mix of gases, temperature and weather that you enjoy. 经历了数百万年,才完美调整好适应你用的空气、温度和气候 But now your cars, your factories and dust — they have pushed me past the limit. 你用汽车、工厂、灰尘将我逼向绝境 And you wonder why my typhoons and tornadoes are more intense, more frequent? 却反向我抱怨台风、龙卷风为何更密更狂 I have become unpredictable. 我已无法自控 Less rain here, a lot more rain there. 这里久旱不雨,那里雨水泛滥 Hotter summers, colder winters. 炎夏更炎, 寒冬更寒 I cannot even control myself anymore. 我已无法自控 Enough about me. 算了吧 I will show my changing self to you in your days ahead. 来日给你们展现我的剧变吧 But in the end, I'll be fine. 最后,天是不会塌下来的 Give me a few thousand years. 给我几千年吧 I have weathered trauma before. 以往大秧大祸,我都有力回天 I am not worried for myself. 不是自己,而是你 Look up. 记住,命,由天定 Soil 土地 播:雲昊 I am the soil. 我是土地 I am in the hills and in the valleys, the farms, the orchards. 我在高山上,山谷中,农场里,果园间。 Without me, humans could not exist. 没有我,人类无法生存。 But you treat me like dirt. 而你们却把我看的一文不值。 Do you realize I am just a thin skin on this planet? 你们可曾意识到我就好像这地球的皮肤,只有薄薄的一层? And I’m actually alive. 我也是有生命的。 Full of organisms that grow your food. 你们的食物能够生长全靠我提供丰富的营养。 But I am broken, aching, overused, sick. 但是我被你们 过度利用、过度开发、被侮辱、被损害 Because of you 就是因为你们 You have withered me away to less than half of what I used to be just over 100 years ago. 我只剩下不及一百年前一半的厚度 Are you paying attention? 你们注意到了吗? I am turning......to dust. 我正在逐渐化为一片荒芜 So maybe you could treat me with a little more respect? 或许你们能够对我多一些尊重吧 I suppose you still want to eat? Right? 我猜你们,不想饿肚子,对吧! Home 家园 播:蒋怡 I am Home. 我是家园 I give you comfort. 我是你温暖舒适的源泉 I shelter your family. 我为你和家人遮挡风雨 See me for who I am: home sweet home. 请看清我是谁:家园,温馨的家园 I am your refuge. 我是你的避难所 I am the floor that supports you. 我承载着你 The foundation that keeps you steady. 是助你稳固的基石 The walls that give you shelter. 是让你躲避风雨的墙垣 The roof that protects you. 是一直保护你的屋顶 I am your home. 我就是你的家园 If you don’t take care of me, I cannot take care of you. 可是,如果你不在乎我,我也将无法照顾你 Ice 冰 播:Sean I am ice. 我是冰 I move slowly. 我缓慢地移动 I keep the world cool. 我保持着世界的清凉 Well, I used to. 不过,这些都成为了过去 But humans keep warming this planet. 你们人类,不停地给这个星球加温 I tried to warn you. 我一直尝试去警告你们 I send pieces of me thundering into the ocean. 我将自己片片剥落,轰然坠入大海 You do nothing. 你们熟视无睹 I raise sea levels. 我增高了海平面 You do nothing. 你们依然无动于衷 It has taken you decades to notice. 经过了数十年, 你们才有所察觉 Perhaps I'm not so slow after all. 或许,我消失得并没有你们想像的那么慢 Mountain 山 播:严喆 I am the Mountain. 我是山 I am nature's oldest temple. 我是自然界最古老的圣殿 My glaciers and streams provide the water you drink. 我的冰川河流,为你们提供维持生命的水 My forests, your wood, your clean air. 我的森林,你们的树木,为你们提供新鲜的空气 From up here, I see how you've come to treat this world. 我清晰地看到,你们对这个地球的所作所为 You used to recharge your body and soul in the calm of my forests. 曾经,你们来到我的森林,只为享受身心的宁静 You once climbed my peaks, seeking enlightenment. 攀登到我的顶峰,只为获得心灵的启迪 Now you take what you want, and contemplate only your own gain. 如今,你们一味地从我这里获取利益 Open your eyes while there's still time. 要知道,有一件事,我看的非常的清楚 Because there's one more thing I see clearly: the cliff you’re on — and the rocks below. 那就是,你们正在靠近悬崖的边缘,而悬崖的下面,乱石密布。 Redwood 红木 播:罗斌,维安 How come you're so smart? 你怎么这么聪明? Kid, I've been around a really long time. As a matter of fact, our kind has been around longer than just about anything. I've seen just about everything. 小子,我已经活了很久很久。事实上,我们是这个世界上最古老的生物了。我已经什么都见识过了。 Really? Like what? 真的吗?比如什么? Well, I've seen weather. All kinds of weather. 比如气候吧,各式各样的气候。 And lots of critters? 还有许多动物吗? Yeah. At first there were just some bugs and spiders, then some mice and rats, and some rabbits and bears, and skunks .Then, all of a sudden, there were humans. And all hell broke loose. 是啊。最早的时候就是些昆虫和蜘蛛,后来就有了老鼠,兔子,熊和臭鼬。 再后来人类突然出现了。一切就乱了套。 Why? What did the humans do? 为什么?人类做了什么呢? Well, they changed wolves into dogs, rivers into lakes, and us into wood. They started using the planet like it was put there just for them. Act like they've got an extra one laying around. 他们把狼驯化成了狗,让江河变成湖泊,把我们变成木材。他们把地球据为己有,就好像专门为他们准备的一样。就好像他们还有一个地球一样。 Why do they do that? Why don't they understand? 他们为什么这样做呢?他们不懂得后果吗? I don't know. If they don't figure out that they're part of nature rather than just using nature, they probably won't be around to see you grow up. 我不知道。如果他们不懂得自己是大自然的一部分而是肆意利用自然,那么他们也许等不到你长大。 -文本源于《大自然在说话》系列视频 为你读英语美文的主播们, 希望通过自己的演绎,倡导大家关爱环境,保护自然;也希望大家关注Nature is speaking 的发起机构-保护国际基金会。BE PART OF THE SOLUTION. PROTECT NATURE. 中文网址:http://www.conservation.org.cn 英文网址:http://www.conservation.org 图片源于网络 文字,音乐版权归作者或版权方所有 【更新频率】 由于我们都是业余在做节目,为了保证每期精品,每周三推出一期新节目,其他时间可能会复推老节目,会推出活动,也会更新福利节目哦。 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文