【环球锐评】Mark Zaid和滕建群:CIA的暴行,把小伙伴们彻底下出翔了

【环球锐评】Mark Zaid和滕建群:CIA的暴行,把小伙伴们彻底下出翔了

2014-12-11    22'21''

主播: 罗叔英语

299 9

Mark Zaid:美国国家安全律师 滕建群:中国国际问题研究所研究员 Investigators from the US Senate have delivered a damning indictment of CIA interrogation practices after the 9/11 attacks. In a 500-page summary, the Senate Intelligence Committee accuses the agency of inflicting pain and suffering on prisoners with tactics that went well beyond legal limits. Senator Dianne Feinstein is the committee chairwoman. "The CIA's actions a decade ago are a stain on our value and on our history. The release of this 500-page summary cannot remove that stain." The report finds that the torture tactics used by the CIA were more brutal than what the agency has previously acknowledged. This includes waterboarding But former CIA Assistant Director Charles Allen challenges the report's contention that rough tactics didn't work. "This helped us transform collection and analysis against the capabilities and intentions of a very dangerous organisation and we found out techniques and tactics and procedures of al-Qaida's core we would probably have never gotten without interrogation." The interrogation program was devised by two CIA contractors to squeeze information from suspects after the 9/11 attacks in 2001. plot.