大咖说  台湾最大创投董事长Vincent Wang:大陆的创业潮台湾的小确幸

大咖说 台湾最大创投董事长Vincent Wang:大陆的创业潮台湾的小确幸

2015-06-17    08'17''

主播: 罗叔英语

280 10

本期嘉宾:台湾华阳创投集团董事长 Vicent Wang 王韦中 Investors called on young talents in Taiwan to start their businesses on the Chinese mainland at the just-concluded 13th Straits Youth Forum in Xiamen. The business environment seems captivating for start-ups following Premier Li Keqiang&`&s remarks to encourage mass innovation to counter the downward pressure and boost the economy. Meanwhile, the establishment of the Fujian Free Trade Zone also offers a good opportunity for youngsters from Taiwan to start their business.