大咖说  长江商学院孙宝红教授说火爆电商的碉堡未来!

大咖说 长江商学院孙宝红教授说火爆电商的碉堡未来!

2015-06-25    10'43''

主播: 罗叔英语

3883 19

本期嘉宾:中国长江商学院市场营销教授、杰出院长讲席教授、全球项目副院长 孙宝红 Dr. Sun Baohong, Distinguished Chair Professor of Marketing , Associate Dean of Global Programs, CKGSB Fostering growth and innovation in the Chinese e-commerce market China&`&s State Council has announced that China will put more momentum behind its "Internet Plus" drive, which aims to integrate the Internet and industry while encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation. As the world‘s second-largest e-commerce market after the US, China’s e-commerce is exploding and it fosters new growth drivers amid the economic slowdown. For more on this, Luo Yu spoke with Dr. Sun Baohong, professor of marketing and associate dean of global programs at Cheung Kong Gradute School of Business.