

2014-04-15    31'54''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

19454 281

中国驻美大使崔天凯在美智库发表演讲后,又用英语回答了主持人连珠炮似的提问。一起来听听大使如何化解主持人提出的高难度问题吧。 After delivering a keynote speech at the United States Institute of Peace, Ambassador Cui Tiankai answered questions from the moderator and the audience. The questions touched upon various aspects, including: Explanation on China's core interest. Key areas of cooperation between China and the US. One thing the US can help China and people can see. Are two countries better now at crisis management? Opportunities for military cooperation and how to improve. What could China do for Sino-Japanese relationship? China's stance on non-interference. China's relations with neighbors. China's stance on North Korea. Can China and the US cooperate in the Afganistan issue and encourage economic cooperation in the middle Asia region? Advice for US government on Ukraine issue. Advice for young people of the two countries.