

2014-04-15    07'33''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

5133 348

今天,谷歌公司开放正式版谷歌眼镜网上订购,售价为1500美元,仅限一天,想要购买的消费者需要有一个美国本土的邮寄地址和信用卡,并且年满18岁,每个消费者限购一副,这也是谷歌眼镜第一次对公众开放购买。 Today, Google is opening sales of Google Glass for one day only to any adult in the United States who wants one of the devices. This is the first time the device has been available to the general public. The price is $1,500. 谷歌眼镜有多神奇,来听听谷歌创始人之一Sergey Brin的介绍吧!