

2014-04-16    02'05''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

8438 187

任何形式的恐怖主义都不该被原谅,也不会被原谅。一次次丧心病狂的行为不会让我们怯懦,只会让我们更加团结一致。宣扬仇恨不是我们的目的,只是有些名字,我们需要牢记。 At 2:49 Tuesday afternoon, the city of Boston paused to remember the tragedy that occured at the marathon's finish line. Earlier, nearly three thousand people gathered in downtown Boston to pay tribute to victims and survivors of the attack. The event also paid tribute to the city's first responders, medical staff, volunteers and the brave citizens of Boston. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden says the tribute is not just for Boston, but for the whole American nation. He praised survivors for their resilience, saying they have become the face of American resolve. "It takes you incredible courage for you to be here. I want you to know that you're an inspiration without knowing to people all across this country who suffered tragedies and are going through tragedy. They'll hear you, they see you, they know of you. And the fact you're here, I promise you, gives them the hope that maybe, maybe, they can overcome what they're facing now." The vice President says the city's response to the attacks a year ago is something the citizens of Boston can be proud of. "We're Boston. We're America. We respond. We endured. We overcome. And we own the finish line!" Some survivors attending the event shared their stories. Dance instructor Adrianne Haslet-Davis lost a leg in the tragedy but is standing once again, and danced with her prosthetic leg. She said it's okay sometimes to feel not ok, but urges people to act. "We use this day not just as a day of remembrance but as a day of action. I wish that everyone who is facing adversity can have the support that we have had. Let April 15 be a very that we all work together to make the world a better place."