

2014-12-25    01'24''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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详细内容,请关注我们今天的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus British scientists say that making basic lifestyle changes helps to prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. British health charity the Age UK reviewed academic studies and data and found that around 76 percent of cognitive decline is accounted for by lifestyle and other environmental factors including level of education. The analysis suggests "5 simple and effective steps" that people can take to maintain brain health and reduce their risk of developing dementia. The lifestyle factors include regular physical exercise, eating a healthy diet, not smoking, and drinking alcohol in moderation. In addition, preventing diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity were also found to reduce the risk of dementia. onset n. 开始 与beginning/start不同的是,onset通常描述那些令人不快的、负面的东西。 例句: The onset of depression often follows a traumatic experience. (抑郁症常常在遭受创伤的经历后开始发作。) Alzheimer’s disease n. 阿尔茨海默病,临床表现为认知和记忆功能不断恶化,日常生活能力进行性减退,并有各种神经精神症状和行为障碍。该病是老年性痴呆的一种,多发生于中年或老年的早期,因德国医生阿尔茨海默(Alois Alzheimer)最先描述而得名。 dementia n. 痴呆 相关词汇:senile dementia n. 老年性痴呆 cognitive decline n. 认知功能衰退 account for 高频短语,有很多意思,最常用的包括:1. 说明、解释(原因、理由);2. (在数量、比例上)占;3. 对…负责。该新闻稿里的account for属于第一种情形。 例句: If you cannot account for your absence, you will automatically get an F for missing the final exam. (如果你无法说明你为什么缺席,那你会因为错过期末考自动得到不及格的分数。) That is one of the richest cities in the country, as the poor account for just one percent of the population. (那是全国最富裕的城市之一,穷人只占人口数的百分之一。) Whoever was involved in the case must account for their actions that ultimately led to the loss of an innocent life. (所有涉案的人都要对他们的行为负责。正是他们的行为最终导致了一个无辜生命的终结。) eat a healthy diet v. 健康饮食 这种表达方式并不常见,不建议大家使用。更地道的说法是keep a healthy diet,或eat healthy(符合语法规则的表达方式是eat healthily,但因eat healthy更顺口所以广为流传,被大众接受)。 diabetes/high blood pressure/obesity n. 糖尿病、高血压、过度肥胖