

2015-06-11    17'20''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

15388 810

全部文稿放不进来,请大家自己跑去看我们今天的微信头条:搜索英语环球 NEWSPlus 非常荣幸,从来没想到会有这多人来听我的演讲。 I’m so honored. I never expect there are so many people coming here to listen to my talk. 我站在这里的时候,感觉自己如此重要,如此责任重大。谢谢你们! And when I sitting there I feel so important. Thank you, thank you very much. 正式开始演讲之前,我想请问一下在座有多少人在使用阿里巴巴的服务?好的,不是非常多。那么,你们当中有多少人从来没有去过中国?好的。 Before my talk I would like to ask how many people here have used Alibaba services. Good, not many. [Laughs]. And how many of you here have never been to China? Never been, never been to China. Good, thank you very much. 20年前,我第一次踏上美国,美国之旅的第一站是西雅图。来到美国之前,我从课本、老师、学校和父母那里了解美国,我以为自己已经非常了解美国。但是,当我踏上这片土地的时候,我才发现我完全错了,美国这个社会和我从课本学到的根本不一样。在西雅图,我平生第一次认识了互联网。 Well, 20 years ago I came to America. My first trip to America, to Seattle. Before that I learned so much about America, from my books, from my teachers, from my school, and my parents. And I think I know enough about America. But when I came to America I thought totally wrong. America is not what I learned from the books. And in Seattle I found the Internet. 回到中国之后,我告诉朋友们,我打算开一家互联网公司。我邀请了24位好友,讨论了两个小时。到了最后,还是没有人理解我想要做的东西,我们进行了投票,23人选择反对。我的朋友们劝我说:“忘了它吧!根本就不存在这么一个叫做互联网的东西,千万不要去尝试。”只有一个人对我说:“马云,我相信你,虽然我不知道你想要做什么,如果你想做,就大胆去做吧,因为你还年轻。”那年,我30岁。 And then I came back and tell my friends that I’m going to open a company called Internet. I invited 24 of my friends, had a two-hour discussion. And finally we had a vote. 23 of them against me. “Forget about it. There’s no such kind of network called Internet. Don’t do it.” There’s only one person who said “Jack, I trust you. I don’t know what that is, but if you want to try it, go ahead, try it. Because you’re still young.” At that time I was 30 years old. 没有任何的计算机知识、商业知识,我开始了创业之路。我开办了第一家公司,和我的妻子,还有一位同学。我们东拼西凑了1000美元,创业之路非常艰难。当时,我觉得自己是骑在盲虎背上的盲人(成语:盲人摸象,又骑虎难下)。20年风雨过去,我存活了下来。但是创业前三年,生活真的非常糟糕。我清楚地记得,我想向银行贷款3000美元,这花去了我整整三个月时间,我动用了所有的关系,还是没拿到贷款。每个人都认为马云在撒谎,因为1996的时候他们不相信有互联网这个东西的存在。 So I started my business, without knowing anything about computer, without knowing anything about business. I started my first company, my wife and I and a school mate. We borrowed [start] from US $1,000 we start the business. It was so difficult. I called myself like a blind man riding on the back of blind tigers. Jumping around for the past 20 years I survive today. For the first three years life was really bad. I remember I tried to borrow US $3,000 from the banks. It took me three months asking any friends I know to borrow the money.Still failed, coz verybody said “Jack is telling a lie, because there’s no such network called Internet in 1996.” 有一天,1996下半年,中国正式接入了互联网。于是,我邀请了10位媒体朋友到我家里来,想告诉他们我没有撒谎,确实存在互联网这个东西。为了下载一张照片,我们当时花了三个半小时。大家说,“那东西真的能行得通吗?”我说,“是的,行得通的,不是现在,是在未来十年之内。”不管怎样,这至少证明了我没有撒谎。 So one day, later 1996, China was connected to the Internet. I invited ten media friends to my apartment. I want to tell them I’m not telling a lie. There is a network called Internet. We waited three hours and a half to see the first – to download the first picture. And people said “Is that thing going to work?