【你好 America】咖啡,茶还是热水?

【你好 America】咖啡,茶还是热水?

2015-09-14    00'57''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

8314 843

更多内容请看周一第二条微信~ Chinese people are the world’s biggest tea drinkers, right? Maybe not! Chinese emperor Shennong is said to have discovered tea over 55 hundred years ago when a leaf fell off a tea bush into boiling water. Chinese tea can be classified as green, yellow, red, black, white and oolong. In 2012 a pound of west lake Longjing tea sold for more than 25,000 dollars – that’s more expensive than gold! But on a list of tea drinking nations, China doesn’t even figure in the top 30. Meanwhile, 7.4 billion cups of coffee are drunk globally every day – that’s 120 cups per person per year. But in China the figure’s less than one cup each per year. So what do Chinese people love more than coffee? A cup of hot water!