移民政策 54'【真爱还真不少】Immigration from Europe to Canada

移民政策 54'【真爱还真不少】Immigration from Europe to Canada

2014-02-13    54'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

2711 91

Has immigration become a dirty word in recent years? If the rhetoric and action of various governments around the world are to be used as a yardstick, then the word is not just dirty but potentially and politically toxic. Australia has been roundly criticized for its treatment of boat refugees arriving from Indonesia and then resettling them on Pacific Islands. Meanwhile, European elections are to take place in May this year with immigration coupled with welfare and unemployment high on voters' agenda--all against a backdrop of a continent still at a critical stage of its economic recovery. Immigration is also a hot topic in North America--the new New York mayor is pushing for all illegal immigrants working in the city to be given ID cards but controversy remains elsewhere when it comes to Mexicans. But next door in Canada, sweeping reforms on its Citizenship Act could have a devastating effect on anyone looking to gain residency there--especially Chinese. We talked to: - Mike Bastin, Researcher at Nottingham University's School of Contemporary Chinese Studies - Liu Guofu, Professor, Law School, Beijing Institute of Technology