【新闻】高凌风去世 Singer Frankie Kao Dies

【新闻】高凌风去世 Singer Frankie Kao Dies

2014-02-18    00'41''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

994 51

(Frankie Kao) The Taiwan-born rock star, Frankie Kao, aka Kao Ling-Feng, has died at the age of 63. The singer had been suffering from leukemia and died at a hospital in New Taipei City. At the height of his fame in the 70s and 80s the flamboyant star was known for his unusual dancing and singing style which generated a string of hits including "A Fire in Winter" and "Girl's Dimples". Though he had been diagnosed with leukemia in 2012 he had still performed with other veteran artists in November last year and planned another concert next month believing it would help him battle the disease. 罹患血癌的63岁资深艺人高凌风2月17日19点50分病逝于新店慈济医院。 高凌风,本名葛元诚,祖籍湖北省,出生于高雄县冈山镇的空军眷村。是台湾著名摇滚歌手、演员、主持人,其艺名是琼瑶小说《女朋友》中的男主角名字。外号青蛙王子,其怪异的舞台动作,无法伸直的颈部,以及经由母亲越南口音所启发的鼻音唱腔,是当时舞台艺人争相模仿的对象。作品《冬天里的一把火》由费翔翻唱,红遍全中国大陆。