

2014-03-07    05'53''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

1456 82

韩联社报道,韩国中央地方法院对四名涉嫌赴韩代考托福和GRE的中国枪手做出判决。韩国法院表示这种行为破坏了考试的公正性和客观性,给其他考生造成损失,性质恶劣。 A South Korean court has handed down suspended jail sentences to four Chinese people for taking major English proficiency exams instead of registered applicants in exchange for money. 25-year-old Roy Chaoran Sun, a former student of Purdue University in the United States, has been sentenced to four years in prison for hacking into the school's computer systems to change his grades. While here in China, a university in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province will have its license to confer MBA degrees revoked following an exam fraud scandal in January. Why would Chinese people take the risk to cheat in exams?