

2014-03-07    04'55''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

1426 71

全国人大代表朱列玉:国家地震局2010年预算支出24.1亿,2013年40.86亿,但无论是雅安大地震,还是玉树、汶川地震,地震局都没有做出任何预报,且反复解释地震无法预报。每年花费大量财政资金,却又没有履行好职责,地震局应该被撤销。 A deputy to the ongoing second session of the 12th National People's Congress has suggested that China Earthquake Administration should be disbanded. The Administration responded on its official Weibo: The administration serves everyone, don't disband me. The Administration also forwards another Weibo which says: Everyone has his impenetrable and unreasonable side, don't be overly critical to others or to yourself. Why did the deputy suggest that? Is it fair?