【故事】47.Don't be a bully

【故事】47.Don't be a bully

2015-06-18    02'32''

主播: 开口英语

1145 54

47. Don't Be a Bully 别欺人太甚 Richard had always been very tall. He was the biggest boy in elementary school. He used this to be a bully. He always pushed the small kids around. He did this all through high school. Many kids hated Richard. He made many people cry. 理查德一直长的很高,他在小学就是最高大的孩子。他利用身体优势来欺负别人,他总是把小个子的孩子推来推去。他到高中都一直做这种事,很多孩子都恨理查德,他把很多人都弄哭过。 As an adult, Richard was not very successful. He always thought he would be a basketball player. However, he hurt his knee and could not play anymore. Now, Richard needed a job. 长大后,理查德并不是很成功。他总是觉得自己能当篮球员,但是,他把膝盖摔伤了,不能再打球了。现在理查德需要一个工作。 Richard applied to many places. He knew all the bosses of the companies. They were the men Richard used to bully as children. Richard had a very hard time finding a job. 理查德应聘过很多地方,他认识那些公司的所有老板。他们都是那些理查德曾经欺负过的人,理查德找个工作非常不容易。