《别松手》Don't Let Go (附原文)

《别松手》Don't Let Go (附原文)

2016-02-01    02'32''

主播: Max冬冬

3189 65

梅根请求爸爸教她骑自行车。她求爸爸不要松手,因为她还没有准备好。可是,最后,当她终于勇敢地骑车远去的时候,爸爸准备好了吗...... Don’t Let Go “Teach me to ride and I’ll ride to you, From Mom’s house over to yours. Please, will you, Daddy? I need to learn, And Mom is too busy indoors. “I tried in the yard, but it’s really so hard; I bloodies my knee on the wall. At Grandma’s house the road is too rough, My wheels won’t stay straight and I’ll fall.” “Meg, there will always be slippery slopes And ups and downs and bumps. There will always be difficult paths to take And giant steps and humps. “But the view when you get to the top of the hill, And the feel of the wind in your hair! And the freedom to go wherever you please And to know you can get yourself there… “That must be worth a few little knocks And maybe a bruise or two, But if you’re not ready, we’ll wait a while— Whatever you want to do.” “I’ll try in a minute—at least, I might. I’m getting myself prepared, Checking my helmet and bicycle bell… But, Daddy, I’m really scared.” “Megan, I’m here— I won’t let go, Not until you say. Hold on tight. I love you, so We’ll do this together, okay?” “I think I’m ready to go now, Dad. Daddy, don’t let go! Don’t… Okay, you can let go now! “Bye, Daddeeee…you’re so slow! “Look at me, Daddy! I can ride! See? I can ride my bike. Now I can go wherever I want, To the end of the world if I like!” “Megan, it’s difficult letting go. I was scared too today— Scared you would never come back to me Now that you can ride away.” “Daddy, I’m here. I won’t let go, Not until you say. Hold on tight. I love you, so We’ll do this together, okay?”