Buzzlingo | 不行别BB,你会开车你DD

Buzzlingo | 不行别BB,你会开车你DD

2015-12-17    08'32''

主播: EZFM China Drive

5448 256

Skid row Eventhough Sham Shui Po is often labeled the Skid row of Hong Kong, there are many interesting restaurants there. Just because they are from skid row, doesn't mean they are beyond help. She works as a social worker on skid row. Definition: The crappy part of town. Etymology: This expression originated in the lumber industry, where it signified a road or track made of logs laid crosswise over which logs were slid. Around 1900 the name Skid Road was used for the part of a town frequented by loggers, which had many bars and brothels, and by the 1930s the variant skid row, with its current meaning, came into use. DD Peter never got beer goggles, because his friends always made him DD. Roger was made the DD because he already had a girlfriend. Amy was immune from DD duties because she did not have a driver's license. Definition: designated driver A house of cards Skywalker's plan to destroy the Death Star is a house of cards. Hitler believed the Soviet Union was a house of cards, until he realized it was quite solid. Enron was believed to be a innovative company that traded energy, until some nosy journalists unveiled it was a house of cards. Definition: an organization or plan that is very weak and can easily be destroyed