

2017-09-21    03'31''

主播: 铁打的JO家

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この世に限りはあるの? 在这世界是否有尽头呢 もしも果てがえたなら 如果能看得到尽头 如何やって笑おうか愉しもうか 要如何展开欢笑尽情享受呢 もうやり尽くしたね 不是全都白费力气了吗 じゃあ何度だって忘れよう 那麼要经过几次才能忘怀呢 そしてまた新しく出逢えれば素晴らしい 如果能遇到全新的邂逅就太好了 然なら 挥手道别 初めまして 重新开始 but still my dear if the end draws near what should i do? 但亲爱的如果结局来临我该怎么办 if you hold me tight i&`&d feel all right but still be blue 若是你紧紧地抱着我 我会觉得心情愉悦但仍然被忧郁笼罩 but if a song were to play just for us for a moment 但如果要弹奏一首歌此刻仅为你我 to take the heartache away 去带走那些心痛 well then i&`&d say, i&`&ll make a song for you 好吧 我说 我将为你写一首歌 nothing too old, and nothing too new 旋律不会过于老气 也不会过于新潮 sing to the light of day 为一天的光亮而唱 you&`&ll smile for me, we&`&ll be happy that way 你会对我微笑我们会很幸福快乐 dalala... dalala... just turn away and take this point of view 就走过去然后接受这种观点吧 nothing is old, and nothing is new 不旧不新 when you look at me and say i&`&ll forget you... 当你看着我然后说我会忘记你的时候 if you were me who would you be when the sun goes down? 如果你是我那么真正的你又是谁什么时候夕阳西下 two faces bright but i fear the night might come around 两张明亮的脸但是我害怕夜晚即将来临 and if reflections appear from the past, all our moments, 如果过去的一幕幕在万籁寂静的夜里重现的话 我们所有的记忆 smiles, love and laughter, i fear... 微笑 爱 欢乐 我害怕 well then i&`&d say, i&`&ll make a song for you 好吧 我想说 我将为你写一首歌 nothing too old, and nothing too new 不旧不新 sing to the light of day 为一日的光明而唱 you&`&ll smile for me, we&`&ll be happy that way 你会对我微笑, 我们将幸福快乐 and take this point of view 默然接受这种看法 nothing is old, and nothing is new 不旧不新 when you look at me and say 但你看着我的时候 说 nice to meet you, would you mind if i stay? 很高兴见到你 你介意我留下来吗