

2018-06-06    11'56''

主播: TeacherGwen

5781 82

6.06 早读 My advice to you, would be to accept the burden that chance has seen fit to lay upon you, and to fashion as good a life as you are able. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. 元音+元音连读加音。点击跳转。 2. accept the 3.burden鼻腔爆破 言之有物 1.词链儿:My advice to you, would be/is...我的你的建议是... My advice to you is to pay more attention to your health. 我对的你的忠告是,多注意你的健康。 2. 词链儿:XX has seen fit to lay upon XX XX is seen fit to...XX看起来适合.../看起来可以... 主动态:see something fit to do XX 觉得做XX合适→觉得可以做XX Personally , I see it fit to invite him . 我个人认为可以邀请他。 拓展: see fit 看起来合适 / act as one sees fit 见机行事 We have no set plans, We're just going to do as we see fit.我们没有即定的计划,我们将见机行事。 lie upon/on XX 落在/压在XX上 拓展: ①be a matter of obligation or duty 责任义务落在身上 The whole responsibility lies upon me.全部责任落在我的身上。 ②depend on 依赖 Your success lies upon your effort.你的成功归于你的努力。 ③bear as a burden 压在 The crime lay heavy on his conscience.那罪行成为他良心上的沉重负担。 3. 词链儿:to fashion a good life fashion verb.=build/shape/make a life 制作,塑造; Jamie could take a piece of wood and fashion it into a wonderful work of art.