

2018-06-07    10'15''

主播: TeacherGwen

6016 80

6.07 早读 The odds are for me. I'm destined to accomplish my dreams. I'm destined to overcome this challenge. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 读句子应注意的语调点: ①意群划分:I'm destined/to....// ②重读弱读讲解:轻重搭配构成句子节奏。 The odds are for me. I'm destined to accomplish my dreams. I'm destined to overcome this challenge. ③语调(升调、降调、降升调、升降调....):三个句子都为降调——传达确定性。 言之有物 1. odds 非常有可能发生的事 The odds are that it will rain today. 今天很有可能下雨。 What are the odds of that happening? 那件事发生的可能性能有多大呢? what are the odds? 能有多大可能做成呢?(言外之意,可能性小) The odds are high. 事情很有可能做成/发生。 2. 词链儿:I'm destined to...我注定要... 名词 destiny 命运 he is destined to be famous. 他注定会成名。 3. 词链儿:accomplish one's dreams 实现XX的梦想 I'm so happy to see young people who dare to dream, and work hard to accomplish their dreams. 我很高兴看到年轻人敢于梦想,并为实现梦想努力奋斗。 Wish every one with dream can accomplish it at last. 祝愿所有有梦之人最终圆梦! 4. 词链儿:overcome the challenge 克服挑战 We need to work together to overcome this enormous challenge. 我们需要同心协力,克服这项巨大的挑战